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Cloud Testing: How to overcome the challenges of testing on-premise?

If you’ve been performing on-premise testing in your organization, you know the rules already. But for the uninitiated, on-premise testing is a form of testing where testers perform tests on local machines, systems, or devices set up at an office. As the name suggests, it happens on-premise. On-premise testing comes with a lot of responsibility. From the maintenance and monitoring of the machines and software to upgrading and installations — you’ll need all hands on deck.

Local Test Project Code - Selenium Java and JUnit4

This video review the sample code used in Sauce Labs' Web Automation Quickstart module for Selenium Java. See how to access the code sample on Github, and get an overview of the structure of the test suite, including the Maven pom.xml file. Understand the Page Object Model of the example test suite, and some of the abstraction and methods used. Learn about the file you will need to edit,, that you will be editing to run this examples test on the Sauce Labs Cloud.

Setup to Run Web App Tests On Sauce Labs

In this video, you will learn how to set variables for your Selenium Java test suite in a config file, create a switch statement for running tests either locally or on the Sauce Labs Cloud, and add the setting such as the url you are testing against, and set up you test to send capabilities to Sauce Labs. In the next video, you will see how to add these capabilities and run your test. Connect with Sauce Labs on Social Media Twitter: @saucelabs.