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Test automation for 2FA-enabled authentication with Testsigma

It is a common protocol for companies to disable two-factor authentication in their QA and Test Automation processes, the reason being the effort and cost required to carry it out. At Testsigma we recognize the importance of application security in a modern world, where releases are accelerating and the frequency of data breaches is increasing.

Loadero quickstart tutorial. Part 3. Adding participant groups to a test.

Part 3 of our quickstart tutorial series will guide you through the process of adding a participant group to your test in Loadero and explain how group structure can be helpful. Follow the steps described to create and configure test participant groups for your needs.

Complexity Reigns, rein it in with Kong Konnect - APAC Meetup - Brad Drysdale

We live in a connected world, and our digital experiences are formed by thousands of services acting as building blocks. As the world becomes more decentralized and services take over, cloud connectivity becomes the key differentiating factor of digital experiences for any organization.

Rollbar + Logrocket (Benefits & Demo)

Take your frontend error monitoring to the next level by integrating Logrocket with your Rollbar project. Enjoy the benefits of rich contextual data and the benefits of 1-click workflows. Set it up now in 3 minutes or less! Rollbar is the leading continuous code improvement platform that proactively discovers, predicts, and remediates errors with real-time AI-assisted workflows. With Rollbar, developers continually improve their code and constantly innovate rather than spending time monitoring, investigating, and debugging.

Google's Page Experience Update: How to Better Prepare Your Agency and Clients According to Pepperland Marketing

In this episode of Metrics and Chill, Sean Henri, Founder and CEO at Pepperland marketing, shares the latest Google Page Experience update details, including how his agency prepared themselves and their clients and the changes they implemented.