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The difficulty of Memory Profiling in PHP

Did you ever have a memory leak in your PHP program and couldn't locate the exact source in your code? From my experience with memory profiling in PHP, this is caused by the PHP engine and how it manages memory. PHP uses a custom memory manager on top of the native memory management in C for multiple reasons...

Build an Enterprise Level Password Vault with Talend and CyberArk

In this article, we are going to show how easy it is for Talend to integrate with enterprise password vaults like Cyberark. By doing this no-developer has direct access to sensitive passwords, Talend need not know password during compile(design) time, and password management (change/update password) is done outside of Talend. This saves administrators time as well as improves the security of the overall environment.

BigQuery in June: a new data type, new data import formats, and finer cost controls

This is the first installment in a monthly review of recently-released BigQuery features. While our rather active release notes do contain concise but actionable information, we’ve heard from some of our users that they’d love a little more information on these updates and what they mean in a bigger picture. This month, we present a number of practical new features, primarily focused on data types and data file formats.

Don't Let your Data Lake become a Data Swamp

In an always-on, competitive business environment, organizations are looking to gain an edge through digital transformation. Subsequently, many companies feel a sense of urgency to transform across all areas of their enterprise—from manufacturing to business operations—in the constant pursuit of continuous innovation and process efficiency.

Key considerations for choosing a cloud integration (iPaaS) solution

Digital Transformation, the application of digital capabilities across the organization to uncover new monetization opportunities, is the path that any company wishing to survive in today’s world must follow. Sectors like agriculture, healthcare, banking, retail, and transportation are exploring challenges and opportunities that have come with the digital revolution. As a result of this, new business models have emerged while IT departments have become the focus of digital transformation.

5 Reasons Your App Crashes and How to Fix Them

In 2016, on the eve of the Black Friday sales frenzy in the US, a research firm called Apteligent released a report estimating how much money firms could lose if their apps crashed on the big day. The report tallied up the amount of money spent by retail app customers on Black Friday the previous year and worked out what would happen if every customer experienced at least one crash during peak hours.

Visualizing Distributions

In my last blog post, I finished up how to create maps with your data using either point, area or flow representation. Today we’re starting with a new topic focusing in on how to visualize the distribution of data. You may remember from my “Mapping data to visualization usage” post that one way to break down the usage of chart is to divide them into these four groups: Comparison, Composition, Distribution and Relationship.

Adopting a Multi-Cloud Strategy: Challenges vs. Benefits

Cloud-based platforms have become a standard component within most enterprise IT infrastructures, however, many organizations find they cannot source everything they need from a single provider. As a result, increasing numbers are adopting a multi-cloud strategy in an effort to better meet their business requirements.