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What Is Needed for an SFTP Connection?

Along with its security benefits, an SFTP connection is the quickest and most efficient way to transfer files between two local or remote systems. When transferring files or data from one server to another, using an SFTP connection is one of the best options to ensure this data remains untampered. Utilizing an SFTP connection is especially beneficial for commonly used data integration systems like ETL and Reverse ETL. So what makes SFTP so great, and what is even needed for an SFTP connection?

Pillars of Knowledge, Best Practices for Data Governance

With hackers now working overtime to expose business data or implant ransomware processes, data security is largely IT managers’ top priority. And if data security tops IT concerns, data governance should be their second priority. Not only is it critical to protect data, but data governance is also the foundation for data-driven businesses and maximizing value from data analytics. Requirements, however, have changed significantly in recent years.

Automate Secure Access Management With Rollbar + Okta

At Rollbar, we know security matters. Our customers represent the leading technology companies in the world today, and keeping their data secure is our top priority. Look no further than our investment in security and compliance. Rollbar is fully compliant with stringent industry standards like GDPR and HIPAA. We have also received ISO27001, SOC 2 Type 1, and Type 2 compliance certifications to ensure that even the most security-conscious companies can use our SaaS platform.

Data Science + Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is at a critical turning point, especially in the wake of the global lockdown that caused companies worldwide to conduct more online business than ever before. No organization is immune to data breaches, as hackers are using more sophisticated techniques — such as artificial intelligence — to perform these cyberattacks.

The Dark Truth Behind Session Recording

A company is entitled to use session recording or session replaying as long as their marketing and analytics needs require so. However, as enticing the recording of everything the user does at all times can be, even within the existing regulations, there is a high chance that doing so will quickly push the data towards a non-compliant realm. And even in cases where regulations may not be explicit on the matter, we see more and more how the industry is leaning towards discouraging these practices.

Securing Your SQL Server Application: Enabling Server-Initiated Encrypted Connections

Network encryption is a vital security step in hardening your application and guarding your data. Additionally, it is more often becoming a requirement by many organizations and laws (like HIPAA). In this article, we will discuss how to secure network communication between your application and the SQL Server database using an encrypted connection. We will demonstrate how encryption can be enabled and leveraged from SourcePro DB with no source code changes to your application.

API-Led Data Integration: Key Questions to Ask When Securing an API

Data has become an incredibly powerful tool that helps brands streamline processes and improve customer services. To facilitate this, you will often need an API that moves data between applications without compromising the value of your information or creating vulnerabilities that can be exploited. Securing an API therefore becomes a crucial aspect of any data integration project. An API solution that meets security essentials will make it much more resistant to cyber threats.

Who is responsible for cloud security-the provider or customer?

With the shift to distributed workforces and digital business models, cloud infrastructure and tools have become indispensable to the modern enterprise. But this growing reliance on the cloud also comes with a corresponding increase in security risks and breaches. The question is: When it comes to protecting public, hybrid, or multi-cloud environments, who should take ownership, the organization in question or the cloud service provider (CSP)?

What is the Difference Between FTP and SFTP?

The ETL (extract, transform, load) process depends on quickly, efficiently, and securely transferring information between sources and targets. However, there are multiple options for data transfer protocols, including FTP and its close relative SFTP. So what’s the difference between FTP and SFTP, and how can you decide which one to use for your enterprise data? We have all the answers below.