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Interview with Lia Edwards

In the latest instalment of our interviews speaking to leaders throughout the world of tech, we’ve welcomed Lia Edwards. Lia leads the consultancy side of Threat Protect’s service offering having operated as CIO for several multinational corporations, including Fresnel before co-founding Threat Protect, where she provides consultancy and support on compliance and audit projects, working with clients such as KPMG among others.

How to Develop a Cloud Native Infrastructure

More and more companies are eager to move their operations to the cloud. Yet, there’s quite a bit of ambiguity on what moving to the cloud actually means. Is your business running in the cloud while you host your database on another platform or while you rely on a third-party service to handle your payments? That’s a good start for moving to the cloud, but there are many other aspects to consider when building a cloud native infrastructure.

Fixing Ransomware First Requires That We Fix Security

Ransomware has become a familiar front page news topic thanks to recent high-profile attacks against a major meat producer and an East Coast operator of a critical oil pipeline. Also, consider the attack on a provider of software tools to IT outsourcing shops that let hackers paralyze hundreds of businesses on all five continents. No doubt the ransomware threat is serious, and now Washington is mobilizing to wipe out a scourge it formerly treated only as a criminal nuisance.

What is the Best Way to Move My Data Securely?

Moving data from an organization’s systems into data warehouses and data lakes are essential to fuel business intelligence and analytics tools. These insights guide businesses into making decisions backed by data, allowing them to choose actions that have the best chance of positive growth. However, getting data from the source systems to these data stores can be a harrowing process.

How To Transfer Flat Files Using SFTP With Xplenty

What is SFTP and What Does It Stand For? SFTP is a network protocol for securely transferring, accessing, and managing files on a remote computer. The SFTP protocol is intended as a more secure alternative to the traditional FTP protocol. The term SFTP stands for SSH File Transfer Protocol, where SSH is a cryptographic protocol that allows clients and servers to connect remotely. The files that you send or receive using SFTP are protected by SSH encryption in transit. This added layer of security means that SFTP is preferable to FTP in the vast majority of cases.

The Journey to Processing PII in the Data Cloud

During the process of turning data into insights, the most compelling data often comes with an added responsibility—the need to protect the people whose lives are caught up in that data. Plenty of data sets include sensitive information, and it’s the duty of every organization, down to each individual, to ensure that sensitive information is handled appropriately.

What is Data Portability and Why is It Important?

Businesses are now storing more personal data on their customers than ever before—from names, addresses, and credit card numbers to such as IP addresses and browsing habits. Understandably, many consumers are speaking up and pushing back on how these businesses use their data—including an insistence on the “right to data portability.” Data portability is an essential issue for companies that must comply with regulations such as the GDPR and CCPA.

Balancing Innovation and Security With Automation [Destination: Automation]

You feel like you need to clone yourself to scale and maintain security — there simply aren’t enough hours in the year to do it all. Luckily, there’s an automation solution that allows you to get close to cloning how you would normally manage your full API delivery pipeline. Join Peggy Guyott, senior customer experience manager at Kong, and Ned Harris, solutions engineer at Kong, as they share ways you can eliminate the conflict between developers’ need for autonomy and freedom to innovate, and the need to maintain control of governance and security.

5 Steps to Serverless Security With the AWS Lambda Plugin

For the DevOps-averse developer, lambdas are heaven. They can focus on writing self-contained and modularized pieces of code, deploying these functions for on-demand execution without being concerned about resource management or infrastructure. Lambda execution , however, can be tricky. Serverless security with the AWS API Gateway can feel daunting, especially when all you want to do is call a simple function as an API endpoint. For this, there’s the ease of Kong Gateway .