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Demystifying Cloud Data Egress Costs

Understand the impact of data transfer and egress costs across Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud platform in data integration One of the most frequent questions asked by cloud-savvy, price-aware customers is something like: Ok, so we like that your tool makes it easy to integrate our cloud database and storage in our centralized data warehouse, but I know our budget will be scrutinized for Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), including our data egress costs.

Data Lakes vs. Data Warehouses vs. Data Marts

Let’s precisely define the different kinds of data repositories to understand which ones meet your business needs. October 29, 2020 A data repository serves as a centralized location to combine data from a variety of sources and provides users with a platform to perform analytical tasks. There are several kinds of data repositories, each with distinct characteristics and intended use cases. Let’s discuss the peculiarities and uses of data warehouses, data marts and data lakes.

Taylor Brown and George Fraser, Co-Founders of Fivetran, keynote the Modern Data Stack Conference

Throughout time data has improved the way we approach problems, find new discoveries, and make decisions. The technology that powers the creation and analysis of data hasn't always been reliable or simple to use, leaving some organizations ahead of others. This is disparity between the haves and have nots of data is changing due to the modern data stack. In this session, Taylor will give us a warm welcome and George will explain the impact of the modern data stack for analytic teams and how it is becoming as simple and reliable as electricity.

Qlik Welcomes to Accelerate Active Intelligence

Incredibly excited about today’s news that Qlik has acquired’s easy-to-use, scalable and secure embedded integration and automation platform (iPaaS) will expand our ability to deliver on our vision of Active Intelligence, where real-time, up-to-date data triggers immediate action to accelerate business value across the entire data and analytics supply chain.

Why Hiring a Data Analyst Won't Solve Your Business Problems

As businesses increasingly leverage data-driven decision making, the ability to use and understand data at the company-wide level becomes mission critical. While tech behemoths like Netflix, Airbnb, and Spotify have strong data cultures built over the last decade, most companies often face challenges getting up and running with data.