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Can AI Chatbots Help Product Managers Do More With Less?

AI Chatbots are being talked about everywhere. Product managers rely heavily on collaborations with stakeholders to achieve success with their strategic objectives. These stakeholders include developers, sales teams, marketing teams, executives, and other key players. Yet these stakeholders alone do not guarantee success for your customers and clients. As a product manager, you need to use all the tools at your disposal to add value to their strategies and goals.

How to Get Results With Self-Service Analytics

Self-service analytics has been a leading priority in the business intelligence (BI) space for years and is likely here to stay. With data-driven culture on the rise, analytics is no longer just for IT teams and data scientists. Self-service business intelligence tools make it possible for personnel across functions to perform analytics-related tasks themselves, dramatically reducing time to insight.

No-Code Data Pipelines: Streamline Data Integration

Historically, connecting multiple data sources to a single destination required extensive experience as a computer programmer or data scientist. Today’s no-code data pipelines have changed that perspective. Now, practically anyone – even those without any coding experience – can use no-code pipelines to streamline data processing without damaging data quality. You will, however, need the right ETL and ELT tools to manage real-time data flows.

#shorts - Scheduled Reload Failed? Here's why

When a Qlik Sense app fails to reload multiple times on a scheduled basis it will disable the reload schedule. If you don't have alert notifications enabled for your reloads you may wonder why your app is no longer reloading on a scheduled basis. This video shows you why. Note - you can setup a notification to alert you if the reload fails so you can correct the problem BEFORE the schedule is disabled.

Benchmarking Snowpark Vs. Spark For Data Processing

Are you a data scientist or data engineer looking to improve your data operations and workflows? Look no further than Snowpark! Our team at Keboola has conducted comprehensive benchmark tests pitting Snowpark against Spark, a traditional data processing engine. Our findings? Snowpark outperforms Spark in both speed and cost for most data engineering and machine learning tasks. ‍ Inside, you’ll find: ‍ Unlock the full potential of your data.

Understanding Needs From All Perspectives Before Applying Tech Solutions

When it comes to investing, it’s been said that the biggest risk of all is not taking one. But for many of us, the prospect of figuring out how and where to smartly invest our money is overwhelming if not flat out confusing. TIFIN is a FinTech company focused on democratizing this process by matching investors to potential investments with AI. In this episode Raja Musunuru, the Chief Product Officer of financial tech leader TIFIN, covers a wide range of topics, from the importance of understanding customer needs, to promoting data fluency across an organization.

Why Cloud Operations Would Benefit From a "On-Premise" Approach to Cost Management

Moving operations to the cloud has obvious benefits, but without discipline costs can quickly spiral out of control. In this clip, Raja Musunuru of TIFIN reiterates the importance of understanding usage and the ability to scale. Get even more insights from data and analytics leaders like Raja on The Data Chief.