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The Power of Cohort Analysis In Real-Time Product Analytics

The fast-paced world of digital technology necessitates dynamic and responsive approaches to data analysis. In this light, cohort analysis emerges as a formidable tool, providing meaningful insights when blended with real-time analytics. This fusion is especially beneficial for digital enterprises like Countly's users, who operate within a highly volatile environment. ‍

How to activate the Snowflake Data Cloud with AI-Powered Analytics

During Beyond 2023, we officially launched ThoughtSpot Sage, our new search experience that combines the power of GPT’s natural language processing and generative AI capabilities with the accuracy and security of our patented self-service analytics platform. As the experience layer of the modern data stack and an Elite Partner of Snowflake, we are constantly thinking about how our product innovation unlocks value for our shared customers.

Kensu launches support for Unity Catalog bringing immediate data observability to thousands of Databricks users

Kensu announces support for Databricks Unity Catalog, the unified governance solution for data, analytics, and AI. Kensu's data observability capacities enable seamless tracking of all internal and external data sources' metadata and generating metrics to automate their monitoring, drastically improving visibility and time to resolution.

From AI to Customer Experiences: Here Are 5 Key Takeaways From Accelerate:

Snowflake’s first annual Accelerate: Financial Services Data Cloud Series featured two days of sessions showcasing customer success stories and information on leveraging the Data Cloud for AI and ESG use cases, driving business value by doing more with less, transforming customer experiences, and more. Hundreds of Snowflake’s customers, partners and industry peers gathered to obtain business-critical knowledge and ask questions about the Snowflake Financial Services Data Cloud.

Do You Know Where All Your Data Is?

In spite of diligent digital transformation efforts, most financial services institutions still support a loose patchwork of siloed systems and repositories. These dis-integrated resources are “data platforms” in name only: in addition to their high maintenance costs, their lack of interoperability with other critical systems makes it difficult to respond to business change.

Analyzing unstructured data in BigQuery with Vertex AI

Analyzing your unstructured data, such as images and free-form text, has long required machine learning expertise to draw out insights. BigQuery and Vertex AI are changing that by bringing pre-trained machine learning capabilities to your unstructured data in BigQuery via the BigQueryML Inference Engine. In this video, we'll give you an overview of these capabilities and walk through a demo of how you can analyze and enhance your unstructured data, all with the familiarity of SQL and without ever leaving your data warehouse!

Celebrating Keboola's Rockstar Moment: We've Snagged the "Powered By Snowflake" Award!

We're excited to announce that Keboola has been honored with the "Powered By Snowflake" award at Snowflake’s prestigious Third Annual Data Drivers Awards for the EMEA region. The Data Drivers Awards is an annual celebration hosted by Snowflake, the trailblazing Data Cloud company. The awards honor pioneering organizations and individuals from the EMEA region who push the boundaries of what's possible with the Data Cloud, driving transformative changes across industries.

Techniques to optimize Google BigQuery performance for AI-Powered Analytics

Google BigQuery is a fully managed, enterprise-scale, cloud data warehouse that helps you store, manage, and analyze your data. This article will take you through the fundamentals of Google BigQuery. I’ll also share optimization opportunities to improve performance when you’re using both BigQuery and ThoughtSpot.