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Data Privacy for Kids Apps: What Parents and Developers Need to Know

Do you ever notice how children have become more glued to gadgets than any generation before? Being highly exposed to digital experiences, including educational and entertainment applications comes with the need for more privacy protection for children's personal information.

Why Do Game Analytics Matter?

Analyzing gameplay metrics and log data is an essential part of the gaming industry, as it provides developers and publishers with valuable insights into how players interact with their games. Throughout this article, we will outline how analytics, observability, and reporting can aid you in improving your performance whether you are a games developer or a gaming enthusiast.

7 Fascinating Applications of Python: From Web Development to Data Science

Without a doubt, Python stands out as one of the most sought-after and adaptable programming languages across the globe. In fact, some of the largest tech companies on the planet use Python, including Google, Facebook and Amazon. Python has been the go-to programming language for many developers, data scientists and researchers due to its ease of use, readability and robustness. But what exactly can Python do?

3 Ways to Break Down SaaS Data Silos

Access to data is critical for SaaS companies to understand the state of their applications, and how that state affects customer experience. However, most companies use multiple applications, all of which generate their own independent data. This leads to data silos, or a group of raw data that is accessible to one stakeholder or department and not another.

DataOps Resiliency: Tracking Down Toxic Workloads

In the first three articles in this four-post series, my colleague Jason English and I explored DataOps observability, the connection between DevOps and DataOps, and data-centric FinOps best practices. In this concluding article in the series, I’ll explore DataOps resiliency – not simply how to prevent data-related problems, but also how to recover from them quickly, ideally without impacting the business and its customers.

The Pros and Cons of Data Mesh vs Data Lake

Data has become the lifeblood of modern businesses, and organizations are constantly looking for ways to extract more value from it. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for data management, organizations tend to take some common approaches. Two popular approaches to managing data are Data Mesh and Data Lake. Data meshes and data lakes have recently become popular strategies for groups that want to avoid silos so they can make data-driven decisions.

4 ways GPT will change the data and analytics industry

The GPT euphoria got doused with some reality recently as Samsung employees realized they were sending false information to customers and Italy outright banned ChatGPT. The hype and concerns further accelerated last week with the godfather of AI, Hinton, resigning from Google, President Biden summoning AI leaders to Washington, and several stocks nose-diving on the threats generative AI poses to their business models.

Hitachi Vantara Drives Unstructured Data Management Leadership Once Again

Hitachi Vantara has once again been recognized as a leader and fast mover in the 2023 GigaOm Radar for Unstructured Data Management: Infrastructure-Focused Solutions, marking the third consecutive year we have achieved this honor. The report emphasizes the growing complexity of unstructured data management and highlights the importance of having a solution that can seamlessly handle data movement at scale automatically.