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Taming Cloud Costs for Data Analytics with FinOps

Uncontrolled cloud costs pose an enormous risk for any organization. The longer these costs go ungoverned, the greater your risk. Volatile, unforeseen expenses eat into profits. Budgets become unstable. Waste and inefficiency go unchecked. Making strategic decisions becomes difficult, if not impossible. Uncertainty reigns.

Demystifying BigQuery BI Engine

BigQuery BI Engine is a fast, in-memory analysis system for BigQuery currently processing over 2 billion queries per month and growing. BigQuery has its roots in Google's Dremel system and is a data warehouse built with scalability as a goal. On the other hand BI Engine was envisioned with data analysts in mind and focuses on providing value on Gigabyte to sub-Terabyte datasets, with minimal tuning, for real time analytics and BI purposes.

My 2023 Predictions for Chief Data Officers

The role of the CDO will not suffer the slow rise to prominence other emerging C-level roles have seen in previous years. Modern technologies designed to easily centralize, access, analyze, share, and monetize data have arrived. As a result, data has become the most powerful resource to drive an organization’s transformation. That puts CDOs at the wheel, their foot on the pedal, and their fellow execs holding on tight for the ride of their lives.

40 Characteristics of a Successful Product Manager

If you currently work as a product manager, are thinking about a job in product management, or work with product managers, one thing is certain: you will hear a different definition of what a ‘product manager’ is (or does) from each person you ask. Is the product manager the “CEO of the product” (which is a broad and misunderstood definition), the person who manages the product (a much narrower view of product management), or both?

Cybersyn Brings Exciting New Data Listings to the Snowflake Marketplace

In this episode of “Data Cloud Now,” Cybersyn Founder Alex Izydorczyk chats with DCN host Ryan Green about his passion for using data to drive business decisions and how the formation of the Snowflake Marketplace has dramatically enhanced data usage and data sharing opportunities. It’s leading to what he calls the “Moneyball-ization” of every industry. Tune in to hear him elaborate on that concept and to learn how Cybersyn itself is using publicly available sources of economic and demographic data to create new data sets in the Marketplace that hold valuable potential for almost any business.