Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


A Complete Guide to Data Analytics

Data analytics is the science of analyzing raw data to draw conclusions about it. The process involves examining extensive data sets to uncover hidden patterns, correlations, and other insights. With today’s technology, data analytics can go beyond traditional analysis, incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms that help process information faster than manual methods.

Future-Proofing Your App: Strategies for Building Long-Lasting Apps

The generative AI industry is changing fast. New models and technologies (Hello GPT-4o) are emerging regularly, each more advanced than the last. This rapid development cycle means that what was cutting-edge a year ago might now be considered outdated. The rate of change demands a culture of continuous learning and technological adaptation.

Transforming Enterprise Operations with Gen AI - MLOp Live #29 with McKinsey

In this webinar we discussed the transformative impact of gen AI on enterprise operations, spotlighting advancements across manufacturing, supply chain and procurement. We covered the main gen AI use cases, challenges to be mindful of during implementation and key learnings from client projects; highlighting three main pillars –people, processes and technology.

Solving the Dual-Write Problem: Effective Strategies for Atomic Updates Across Systems

The dual-write problem occurs when two external systems must be updated in an atomic fashion. A classic example is updating an application’s database while pushing an event into a messaging system like Apache Kafka. If the database update succeeds but the write to Kafka fails, the system ends up in an inconsistent state. However, the dual-write problem isn’t unique to event-driven systems or Kafka. It occurs in many situations involving different technologies and architectures.

Retail Media's Business Case for Data Clean Rooms Part 2: Commercial Models

In Part 1 of “Retail Media’s Business Case for Data Clean Rooms,” we discussed how to (1) assess your data assets and (2) define your data structures and permissions. Once you have a plan on paper, you can begin sizing the data clean room opportunity for your business.