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What is the Difference Between FTP and SFTP?

The ETL (extract, transform, load) process depends on quickly, efficiently, and securely transferring information between sources and targets. However, there are multiple options for data transfer protocols, including FTP and its close relative SFTP. So what’s the difference between FTP and SFTP, and how can you decide which one to use for your enterprise data? We have all the answers below.

[MLOps] The Clear SHOW - S02E12 - Goodbye Fig .1 [Sculley15]

Sometimes, even in a field as young and bustling, one has to say goodbye to an old friend. Today we bid adieu to Fig. 1 of D. Sculley et al., AKA "Hidden technical debt in Machine learning systems." Listen to Ariel Biller explaining what's going on and what are we going to use in lieu of Fig. 1

Transforming supply chain and logistics analytics at Avnet with ThoughtSpot and Azure Synapse

Supply chain and logistics operations can be a company's biggest source of financial risk or competitive advantage. The key is reconciling external supplier data like tariff and shipping information with internal data to deliver insights across teams and geographies.

20 Ways to Increase Your Revenue with Netsuite

NetSuite is a powerful Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform that gives organizations a way to use one platform for countless essential business operations. However, it also offers a goldmine of revenue-increasing capabilities. These 20 methods for increasing revenue reveals the true potential of using NetSuite for critical business processes.

SFTP to Salesforce - Guide to a Secure Integration

Organizations have numerous departments and employees of all skill sets using the same CRM. When it comes to Salesforce, transferring data and files from an external location can be complicated, especially when dealing with confidential information. A great solution to securing the data transfer is to use an SFTP. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to integrate your systems from SFTP to Salesforce.