Almost three years ago today, to the day, Talend opened its fourth global research and development center, and its second one in France, in Nantes. It was clear to Talend from the very beginning of this new innovation center that it would not be a simple satellite of existing centers, but a key element in our strategy and overall R&D efforts.
As analytics software vendors, we need to do something profoundly different to improve how business users access, consume, and interact with data.
When doing data matching with large sets of data, consideration should be given to the combinations that can be generated, and it’s associated effects on performance. This has an effect when using Talend’s Data Integration Matching and Data Quality components. Matching routines do not scale in a linear fashion.
Ever find yourself in your closet searching for an article of clothing or trying to squeeze one more hangers on the rack? I took the better part of the afternoon on Saturday to clean out my closet. It made me realize a few key things. I am a pack rat and this clean up exercise took way longer than I thought. I anticipated the exercise taking 30-45 minutes tops. How hard could it be? What I discovered 3 hours later is I keep too many unnecessary items.
Track and visualize all of your online store KPIs like sales, orders placed, best-selling products (and more!) with Databox.