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Container Orchestration | Definition, Benefits & How It Works

Not until the early did the concept of a container-based application emerge to transform the IT world. For the first time, the software was deployed consistently and reliably regardless of the target environment’s changes (private or public cloud, personal computer, etc.). With the development of containers, container orchestration has become a trending topic in recent years, with successful applications from the likes of tech giants Facebook, Google, Netflix, among others.

Ultimate Guide to Apply Field Testing for Mobile Application

Field testing is a critical step in the last phase of mobile testing. After all regression tests pass, testers would go into the real environment to verify an application’s usability and behavior. The purpose of field testing is to determine how an application works before releasing it to end-users. Therefore, teams test to see how end-users use the application beyond the initial frequent use, in a real-world scenario. Testing is carried out using mobile networks only.

Simulators vs Emulators vs Real Devices | Mobile Testing Differences

Mobile testing involves spotting bugs in a mobile application and fixing them – ranging from identifying sign-up issues, breaking in the payment process, or finding glitches in navigation before it hits the market. This testing can be done manually or with automation, and utilizing the right testing strategy helps meet all quality and usability requirements. Among the elements necessary for a seamless testing process is the selection of the right mobile testing devices.

Katalon TestOps - Test Orchestration and Quality Analytics Platform

The “Quality at Speed” movement – or delivering high-quality products in a short period – has expanded beyond the software industry: it appears in the standard playbook of companies in health care, finance, etc. This new movement pushes QA teams to continuously reinvent their software development cycle with advancing technological practices.

Webinar Recap: Scale your Software Development with Automation Testing and CI/CD

Last week, our team at Katalon partnered with CircleCI to present a webinar: Scale your Software Development with Automation Testing and CI/CD. There’s no denying the benefit of automation testing in CI/CD pipeline has on product development cycles: it enables faster builds and deploys by continuously generating quicker and more efficient feedback loops.

[TUTORIAL] Reports and Analytics in Katalon Studio

In this video, we'll show you how to utilize the report and analytics function available in Katalon Studio. We'll also give you an introduction to Katalon TestOps - our AI-based analytical solution. Codeless testing tool is the easiest way for new automation testers to start learning and experimenting with test automation.

Appium vs Selenium - Architecture, Functionality, Applications, and Everything in Between

It’s perhaps difficult to remember life before smartphones. Today, mobile phones have transformed dramatically to become the information and communication hub fundamental to modern life: from paying for your next meal to tracking your sleep habits. This explosion of the mobile industry puts testing professionals under pressure to keep up with speed without sacrificing their mobile apps’ quality.