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Podcast with Okta on Best Practices for Developer Experience

Joining us today are two senior executives from Okta, the Identity and Access Management Service, that you’re probably already using given all of the work from home stuff going on. In a rolling discussion we cover product manager and DevEx best practices, including: making developers successful through compassion & not just empathy, how to end of life an API, why storytelling’s important across the whole company, what the different roles are in the DevEx universe, and many more.

How to Set Up Monitoring and Analytics for Strapi the Headless CMS, with Moesif

Strapi is a headless CMS based on Node.js. Headless means that it makes all of its content available via an HTTP API, so you can easily build your user-facing frontend around it. Since it’s a fully-fledged CMS, it brings an administration frontend out-of-the-box, making publishing and maintaining content straightforward - even for those without a technical background. Since everything in Strapi works via an API, it’s perfect for Moesif API monitoring.

Embedding Dashboards with React to Surface Metrics to Customers

Embedded dashboards are an easy way to share the insights you got from Moesif across your team and with your customers. You define metrics, build your dashboards, and then share them, filtered by company or user, inside your developer portal. From a technical point of view, they’re just websites that can be displayed inside an iframe somewhere on your web pages.

Keeping Your API Product Team Happy

Moesif had the privilege of picking the brain of the expert who literally wrote the book on API Product Management. In a wide-ranging discussion with Dr. Amancio Bouza we found out what you should really care about as an API product manager, and it’s not what you may think (hint: see the title). We also cover pricing your API, how to become a better product manager and what books should be on your nightstand.

How to Guide Customers on API Integration Automatically with Moesif

You have an API program that developers are adopting; Customers have signed up, but some haven’t integrated yet; Of those that have integrated, a few got stuck early on and went silent; Ideally, you’d like to help both sets of customers move through the developer funnel. Moesif can act a catalyst for your developers, proactively informing them of integration issues before frustration sets in and they give up. Ensure they have a good experience – unblock your customers ASAP.

How to Secure Your API Against Attacks and Intentional Misuse

Hiring a New York or Menlo Park white-shoe law firm to write your app’s Terms of Service (ToS) might bring peace of mind, but how do you ensure that your expensive rules are actually adhered to. Just like the pervasive abuse of customer review guidelines in B2C companies, B2B companies also suffer from multiple/unverified review problems. Similarly, by their design, APIs are also vulnerable to misuse by bad actors, but this time through brute force attacks.

How to Properly Deprecate an API using Moesif

As with any product lifecycle, a key responsibility for API architects and API product owners is deciding when to sunset or retire a feature or offering. The API lifecycle is no different, but requires careful planning to carry out the deprecation to minimize customer impact. Unlike a packaged solution or module which is more of a black box, APIs enable your customers to build custom functionality which may have required months of integration work and testing.

Playbook for Automatically Keeping Customers Informed of Integration Issues

This is the second in a series of playbooks that walks you through the steps required to automate key monitoring and altering functions within your product. Through automation, Moesif will save you time, resources and energy. Automating repetitive processes is a key attribute in whole-product design. By combining payload observability with behavioral emails, Moesif’s able to make you more productive through sophisticated workflows of many functional, performance and product issues.

How to Stand Up Web and API Product Analytics with Nodejs

This guide walks you through how to stand up cross-platform analytics to track customer behavior across both your APIs and web apps. By tracking customer behavior on both APIs and web apps, you’re able to fully understand the customer journey and metrics like Time to First Hello World and Time to Value. However, gathering the data by itself isn’t enough. After all, if it’s not acted on, it’s not of much use.