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Build An App Like AT&T Smart Home Manager: Cost & Features

What’s the very first thing that crosses your mind when you hear ‘smart technology’? Well, we 100% agree with you. The way technology is making everything smart, the day is not far when we’ll be able to do everything with just a command. Don’t you agree? With that being said, it’s also not hidden anymore how technology is making our homes smarter and smarter every passing day.

Static Analysis 2024.2 Release Provides CI/CD Integration and Analysis Options for Modern Development

The latest release of Helix QAC and Klocwork features significant improvements to the static analysis tools, empowering development teams to shift left by fixing errors early, reducing development costs and releasing faster. Here, we provide an overview of the new features and functionality of the 2024.2 release.

10 Best APIs for Machine Learning

Machine learning APIs provide developers with powerful tools to integrate complex algorithms and models into applications without building them from scratch. These APIs simplify the development process by offering pre-trained models and standardized methods for different tasks. These include image recognition, natural language processing, and predictive analytics. This accessibility democratizes machine learning so that developers of varying expertise can leverage cutting-edge technology efficiently.

How Generative AI is Transforming Product Engineering?

‍McKinsey’s latest research projects that generative AI could contribute between $2.6 trillion and $4.4 trillion annually across various sectors. Experts have also observed that integrating AI-driven automation, threat detection, and low-code platforms redefines next-gen software development. Whether it is code generation, bug fixing, or even designing a new digital component, generative AI is seeping into all product engineering processes.

How Does Website Age Impact Performance? Insights from 145+ Companies

What comes to mind when you think of an outdated website? Your answer will depend on how far back you’ve seen the internet, but it could range anywhere from glossy interfaces to the default blue, Times New Roman links. But even a few years of age could put your website behind the competition, even if it doesn’t look like MySpace or the first version of IMDB. Its audience and goals could outgrow its design, especially if you don’t make small changes often.

Navigating the Data Deluge: Master Data Management for Business Resilience and Success

The surge in data creation and interactions over the past few decades presents unprecedented challenges for organizations. Many are grappling with widely dispersed applications and data to navigate this data deluge. Gartner’s survey found that organizations with poor data quality would incur losses of an average of $15 million per year. The findings also shared that almost 60% of organizations surveyed were unaware of how much insufficient data costs their business due to a lack of measurement.

Introducing the New Confluent Cloud Homepage UI: Enhancing User Experience

At Confluent, we are committed to enhancing our product to meet the evolving needs of our customers. In the last year we’ve seen substantial increases in both UI users and UI usage. With such high growth, we’ve been looking for ways to improve experiences where we can. Based on internal and external validation, the Confluent Cloud Homepage was specifically identified as an area that could be improved.

The Ultimate Guide to Usability Testing: Improve User Experience and Product Success

Modern digital ecosystems seek profound insights into user interactions so that the business visions guiding them can leverage pinpointed usability issues. To ensure digital success in your industry, it is crucial to conduct a thorough assessment that fosters an objective understanding of the product. This approach aids in catering to the audience in a more thoughtful manner..

Unravel Data Security and Trust

Privacy and security are top priorities for Unravel and our customers. At Unravel, we help organizations better understand and improve the performance, quality, and cost efficiency of their data and AI pipelines. As a data business, we appreciate the scope and implications of privacy and security threats. This data sheet provides details to help information security (InfoSec) teams make informed decisions. Specifically, it includes: For additional details, please reach out to our security experts.