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Debugging in Production: how to stop fearing the inevitable

You’ve been staring at your screen for hours, trying to check why a certain bug is occurring only for end-users in your production environment. You’ve tried a multitude of approaches: adding log lines in all kinds of indicative places, logging potentially relevant variables to get an indication of the state in which the bug occurs, and the list just goes on. Sounds familiar?

What I would do if I was starting a software company today

Starting a software company today is very different than it was 15 years ago. The fundamental reason for this is that mega-vendors now exist across all product ranges. For any product you can think of there is already a mega-vendor in the space delivering it in the cloud. This means if you want to start a software business now you have to do it differently. If I was starting out today, there are three things I would do.

Deprecation Timeline for LoadImpact v3.0

In 1940, the American Football Championship Game was played between the Chicago Bears and Washington Redskins. A few weeks earlier the teams faced off and Washington won with a score of 7-3. Moving into the championship game, Chicago knew they had to make a strategic move and adapt the game to regain the upper hand. For the first time in the history of American football, a new strategy was introduced, the “T-formation”.

Extend Your Test Environments with Katalon and TestingBot Integration

We’re excited to roll out our new integration between Katalon Studio and TestingBot. This integration plugin allows you to easily create and manage tests in Katalon Studio and extend your test coverage with more than 2,000 browsers and devices from TestingBot. This plugin is available for free download on Katalon Store. You can easily configure your credentials and choices of browsers and devices and take advantage of the TestingBot Selenium and Appium grid.

Pros and Cons of Using structure.sql in Your Ruby on Rails Application

In today’s post, we’ll cover the significant differences and benefits of using structure.sql versus the default schema.rb schema formats in your Ruby on Rails application. In a data-driven world, knowing how to exploit all of your database’s rich features can make the difference between a successful and unsuccessful enterprise.

ESB and API Management: Which One and Why?

With new systems, applications, and data sources added on a regular basis, IT environments are growing more complex than ever before. To deal with this complexity, organizations are relying on API management solutions that make their environments more tightly connected, facilitating information exchange. It’s no surprise, then, that the API management industry has never been stronger.

From GDPR to CCPA, the right to data access is the achille's heel of data privacy compliance and customer trust - Part 2

In the first part of this series, I explained what is DSAR and why the organizations should care about it. Now, let’s take a look at how the process can be perceived by the customers. Our recent GDPR benchmark research shows that the road can be tortuous.

Announcing support for Apache Flink with the GA of Cloudera Streaming Analytics

We cannot hold our excitement anymore! For the last few months, our Data-in-Motion engineering teams have been working hard to deliver a compelling and critical part of our Cloudera DataFlow (CDF) story. To enhance our Stream Processing and Analytics narrative within the overall Data-in-Motion platform, we give you support for Apache Flink with the general availability of Cloudera Streaming Analytics (CSA).