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The Node.js Application Maintainer Guide

TLWR: maintaining a Node.js code base is essential to ensure its success in the long term. There are three main categories to maintain an application: dependencies maintenance, Node.js versions maintenance, and Main dependencies and architecture maintenance. There is excellent content for starting the journey as a Node.js developer; you could find a handful of articles, courses, tutorials, and videos to help developers kickstart a project and guide them through the developing process.

Avoiding npm substitution attacks using NCM

NodeSource is excited to announce its latest NodeSource Certified Modules - NCM - release. NCM, provides developers and software teams with actionable insights into the risk levels that are present in your use of third-party packages. This release includes updates to avoid npm substitution attacks and also a GitHub Integration: Code risk, compliance and security action for PRs on Node.js.

Announcing Worker Threads Monitoring for Node.js in N|Solid

NodeSource is very excited to announce the addition of Worker Threads support in N|Solid, it’s an amazing new feature for our customers on their journey with Node.js. Worker Threads are a very powerful feature in Node.js that allows developers to build more complex and robust applications.

NodeSource brings C++ API to N|Solid!

NodeSource is excited to announce C++ API - Beta! 🥳 With this new API, you will be able to use all the features and power of N|Solid with your own C++ code. In case you missed it, NodeSource also launched JS API which allows you to have all the metrics and functionality of the N|Solid console using your own JavaScript code programmatically.

PagerDuty integration with N|Solid

In the latest version of NSolid v4.4.2 NodeSource introduced the new PagerDuty integration that allows users to configure message notifications that are automatically triggered when your Node.js application experiences critical performance, lifecycle, and/or security events in production. This ensures DevOps professionals looking after applications running in production, can be notified on time about new performance and security issues.

Node By Numbers 2020

2020 has been a remarkable year, full of change and reinvention. Yet one thing remains the same, NodeSource Node.js binary downloads keep increasing month by month, providing millions of users around the world with the power of Node.js. Node By Numbers 2020 gives us important insights into the usage of Node.js across Linux environments and the Node.js community in general.

Need to Node - Volume 69

In this special edition of Need to Node, you can find the top 10 highlights in Node.js in 2020! Need to Node is a weekly bulletin designed to keep you up-to-date with the latest news on the Node.js project, events and articles. You are always welcome to collaborate and participate. Please let us know if we missed a piece of content you think should be included!

NodeSource brings arm64 support, C++ API and Event Profiler to N|Solid!

NodeSource is excited to announce the release of N|Solid 4.4.0 This latest release includes exciting features that users of the N|Solid Node.js Enterprise Runtime will want to understand and start utilizing right away. They include support for arm64 architecture, a C++ API (Beta), and the new Event Profiler tool.

NodeSource Brings arm64 Support to its Node.js Binary Distributions

NodeSource is excited to announce support for the aarch64 (ARM 64-bit) architecture in Enterprise Linux based distributions! It includes: In the last decade x86_64 was the dominant architecture in Enterprise Linux based distributions, but since 2018 there has been a significant increase in arm64 downloads. Also, big tech companies such as Apple and Amazon are adopting the arm64 processor.