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Simplifying BI pipelines with Snowflake dynamic tables

Managing complex data pipelines is a major challenge for data-driven organizations looking to accelerate analytics initiatives. While AI-powered, self-service BI platforms like ThoughtSpot can fully operationalize insights at scale by delivering visual data exploration and discovery, it still requires robust underlying data management. Now, that’s changing. Snowflake's new dynamic tables feature redefines how BI and analytics teams approach data transformation pipelines.

Discover The Power Of Backtrace: An Introduction And Live Demo

In this 10 minute video, you’ll receive a 2.5 minute introduction to the Backtrace platform, and a 7 minute demo highlighting key capabilities of the system. We open with a discussion on what types of errors can be submitted to Backtrace, and then dig deep on the Debug and Explore views. We highlight Triage briefly, and show how engineers can use Slack to be notified of new issues and immediately be brought into a Debug view.

How to deploy a Rails app to Render

There are many ways to deploy a Ruby on Rails application to the internet. Between hosting on your own hardware, renting a virtual machine, using a cloud provider, and using a platform, the opportunities are endless. The low-hassle way to host a Rails application is to use a Platform as a Service (PaaS). In this article, we'll show you how to deploy a Rails Application to, and as a bonus, monitor it with Honeybadger! You can find the final project here on Github.

How to perform exploratory testing in a remote work era

In software testing, exploratory testing stands out as an immersive approach where testers delve into applications, evaluating performance through various actions. As quality assurance professionals, the goal is to adopt a user's perspective, navigating the application just as an actual user would. This hands-on methodology is instrumental in uncovering and reporting bugs that could compromise the application's functionality, playing a vital role in enhancing user experience.

Powerful Caching in Elixir with Cachex

Developers often initially look to the Elixir language and stack because it's known for being able to handle massive amounts of concurrent requests and scale easily. This makes Elixir a great choice for building highly performant applications. However, sometimes operations are computationally expensive and can slow down your application. This is where caching comes in.

Gen AI And LLMs Will Transform The Enterprise

Snowflake's Mona Attariyan, Director of Engineering, leads this conversation with Snowflake's Sunny Bedi, CIO and CDO, and Jennifer Belissent, Principal Data Strategist, about the impact Gen AI and LLMs will have on enterprises. Topics covered range from the impact on employee productivity, the personalization of the customer experience, the opportunities for data monetization. and more.

B2B Integration: Securing Your Data

In an era where data is a critical business asset, securing it in B2B integration scenarios is more important than ever. This article explores the essential strategies and technologies for robust data security in B2B contexts. Data is a critical asset for businesses, which makes securing it during B2B integration more important than ever. This article will explore the best practices and tools that can aid in robust data security. Here are the 5 key takeaways from our B2B integration article.