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Understanding GitHub Actions: Step by Step Guide for Beginners

Diving into the world of GitHub Actions can be like opening a treasure chest for your projects. Imagine having a magic wand that automates all the tedious bits of software development, from testing to deployment, all within GitHub’s cozy ecosystem. Let’s embark on this adventure together, shall we?

Simplify Application Login Flows with Asgardeo's New Visual Editor

App developers seeking simple login integration often find the IAM landscape daunting. Easier said than done when app developers don't live and breath the intricacies of identity standards. With Asgardeo, we have bridged this gap and offer a smooth experience for developers trying to ship their apps as soon as possible. In this post, let's dig into the newly delivered Login Flow Visual Editor and learn about the thinking behind this new capability and what it has to offer.

New: Utilization Insights on Bitrise

Discover Bitrise's new Utilization Insights, a powerful feature enhancing the Insights add-on for optimal mobile development team resource management. It offers comprehensive dashboards on infra usage, workflow counts, concurrency and queues, and billing cycle summaries to improve your resources' management.

Countly's 2023 Highlights and Beyond: A Webinar Recap

On Wednesday, February 21st, we hosted a live event on Discord, highlighting Countly's significant developments from 2023 to this day. Led by Onur, our CEO, the session offered an insider look at Countly's journey and unveiled our newest offering: Countly Flex. The webinar was about 36 minutes long. You can watch the recording here, but if you’re in a rush, here is all you need to know.

The Integration Challenges & Transformative Power of IoT in the Energy & Utilities Sector

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), world energy consumption is forecasted to surge by almost 50% by 2050. This prediction underscores the urgent need for a concerted global push towards smarter, more efficient energy grids and resource management. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the global Internet of Things (IoT) deployment in power systems is expected to save $80 billion annually from 2016 to 2040, making up 5% of the total global power generation costs.

Integrate Type Checking with Node.js using TypeScript: A Tutorial

With Node.js and Express, you can easily create a JavaScript server. Then the obvious question would be, “Why Typescript?” While JavaScript remains the most popular scripting language, TypeScript emerges as a great alternative when your application becomes more complex or when you collaborate with a distributed team of developers.