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Gateway to the Future: Kong Ingress Controller 3.0

The Kubernetes Gateway API is the future of Kubernetes networking, and Kong are all-in. Kong Ingress Controller (KIC) was the first ingress controller to submit a conformance profile, and we continue to lead the pack. KIC 3.0 adds official support for the Gateway API and makes it the default way to configure Kong Gateway on Kubernetes.

8 Top AWS Migration Tools & Best Practices

Migrating to and from Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a common but tricky endeavor. Many moving parts and technical and security aspects need to be considered. AWS provides several of its own tools to simplify the migration process, but there are also several third-party products that can support the AWS migration process. This guide will walk you through some of the best options on the market, their pros and cons, and what features may be useful for your particular migration project.

How to Start Your Public Speaking Journey | Kiruthika Ganesan | #TestFlix 2023 #publicspeaking

In this enlightening session, Kiruthika Ganesan shares her remarkable journey from overcoming fear to becoming an international speaker in her talk, 'Dipping Your Toes into Public Speaking.' Kiruthika's aim is to inspire and encourage individuals to explore the transformative power of public speaking, emphasizing that it goes beyond being a skill—it becomes a medium for personal growth, resilience, and embracing vulnerability.

How to Fix 'int' object is not subscriptable in Python

The error 'int' object is not subscriptable occurs when you attempt to use indexing or slicing on an integer, a data type which doesn’t support these operations. An integer in Python is a data type that represents a whole number. Unlike lists or dictionaries, integers do not hold a sequence of elements and therefore do not support indexing or slicing.

Log4net for .NET Logging: The Only Tutorial and 14 Tips You Need to Know

If you’ve been writing code for any reasonable amount of time, then it’s virtually impossible that you haven’t handled logging in any way, since it’s one of the most essential parts of modern, “real life” app development. If you’re a.NET developer, then you’ve probably used some of the many famous logging frameworks available for use on this platform. Today’s post will cover one of these frameworks: log4net.

Strategies for Application Testing at Scale in Enterprise | Michael Palotas | #TestFlix 2023

In this insightful session, Michael Palotas unravels the complexities of 'Application Testing at Scale in the Enterprise World: Top 5 Things to Consider.' The term 'test automation' often carries varied meanings, and Michael sheds light on the common pitfalls faced by companies investing heavily in automation yet stumbling in the final stretch—test execution. Navigating the landscape of large-scale testing in enterprise environments demands meticulous attention to unique challenges.

The rise of AI in software testing: trends

AI growing relevance in software testing has garnered substantial attention in today's software industry. While incorporating AI and ML approaches into software testing is not required, it is worthwhile to explore and study how these methods may deliver valuable benefits in specific elements of the testing process. With the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques software testing will undergo a transformational transition.