Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Future of Payments in the Virtual and Augmented World

Virtual Reality (VR) immerses you in an artificial environment, effectively substituting your natural surroundings with a virtual world. By utilizing a VR headset or a smart device, you can explore various physical stores and browse their entire range of products, all from the comfort of your home.

Integrating MLOps with MLRun and Databricks

Every organization aiming to bring AI to the center of their business and processes strives to shorten machine learning development cycles. Even data science teams with robust MLOps practices struggle with an ecosystem that is in a constant state of change and infrastructure that is itself evolving. Of course, no single MLOps stack works for every use case or team, and the scope of individual tools and platforms vary greatly.

Announcing enhanced data observability with Data Console

During QlikWorld ’23 in Las Vegas, we were thrilled to announce the general availability of Data Console in Talend Data Inventory. With data-driven decision making becoming more crucial for organizations, it’s never been more important for users to have access to high quality data.

Elinor Sapir - Tackling Customer Issues in Cloud Native Environments WTF is SRE 2023

Tackling customer issues is often one of the most important responsibilities of developer teams. It can be hard, slow work, and oftentimes it is viewed as less interesting, as it seldomly leverages the same level of creativity and innovation associated with developing new features. Even more so, there are additional challenges associated with gaining insight into what took place in an environment that you are not familiar with, is hard to reproduce locally, and you are working with users who won’t necessarily be there to provide every single detail that is needed.