Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Say Goodbye to Outdated Documentation: Meet Multiplayer's System Dashboard and Auto-Documentation

Multiplayer automates the tedious task of creating and maintaining system documentation, while also facilitating collaboration and shared understanding across distributed teams working on complex, evolving software systems.

Platform debugging with deep session replay: turn up the signal, decrease the noise.

Today we introduce the Multiplayer Platform Debugger: share deep session replays that include relevant data from frontend screens to deep platform traces, metrics and logs so teams no longer have to search through unrelated data to find and fix bugs.

Multiplayer Repositories: Connect your Logical Architecture to your Code

Multiplayer brings every piece of the system design puzzle into a single platform. By integrating with GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket repositories, we enable users to access, view, and (in the future) modify source code within the context of their platform's design.