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The Rise Of Connected Manufacturing - How Data Is Driving Innovation Part II

A Shift Towards Industry 4.0 Is Improving Manufacturing Efficiency And Increasing Innovation In Part II of our series with Michael Ger, Managing Director of Manufacturing and Automotive at Cloudera, he looks in greater detail at how AI, big data, and machine learning are impacting connected living and the evolution of autonomous driving.

Will your streaming data platform disturb your holiday?

Here's why you need to double down on your DataOps before your vacation. In the past few months, everything has changed at work (or at home). Q1 plans were scrapped. Reset buttons were smashed. It was all about cost-cutting and keeping lights on. Many app and data teams sought quick solutions and developed workarounds to data challenges and operational problems as people prepared to work from home for the foreseeable future. And now, it’s time for a holiday.

Use IAM custom roles to manage access to your BigQuery data warehouse

When migrating a data warehouse to BigQuery, one of the most critical tasks is mapping existing user permissions to equivalent Google Cloud Identity and Access Management (Cloud IAM) permissions and roles. This is especially true for migrating from large enterprise data warehouses like Teradata to BigQuery. The existing Teradata databases commonly contain multiple user-defined roles that combine access permissions and capture common data access patterns.

Operational Database Scalability

Cloudera’s Operational Database provides unparalleled scale and flexibility for applications, enabling enterprises to bring together and process data of all types and from more sources, while providing developers with the flexibility they need. In this blog, we’ll look into capabilities that make Operational Database the right choice for hyperscale.

How No-Code Empowers Non-Engineers Without Sacrificing Data and Analytics

No-code is growing quickly. More and more people from all roles and departments are using a wide range of new tools and apps to build and experiment without fighting for engineering resources. This creates amazing opportunities for growth, but it also means data teams have to integrate data from ever-more sources to get a full picture of their business’s operations.

Kong Gateway 2.1 Released!

We are happy to announce the first release in the 2.1 series of our flagship open source API gateway! Since Kong 2.0 was released in January, we have released a number of patch releases, but we have also been busy writing new features as well! This release comes packed with new functionality, ranging from updates for improved P99 latency to new features for gRPC, improvements to your favorite plugins and much more. Here are the highlights.

Mobile App Distribution Made Easy - Introducing Applivery Integrations

Cheers to the newest addition to the Bitrise Step Library — meet Applivery , a powerful enterprise mobile device management system that enables full control over your Mobile Apps. Combined with Bitrise, you can cover the entire development life cycle, from testing and building to delivery and feedback.

A Window of Opportunity: How windowing saved our data table

The modern age of web development that includes modularized, encapsulated web components, has brought us a plethora of tools, technologies, frameworks, and libraries of all varieties. With every such tool that is created to simplify our lives as developers in the long run, there's also a catch we sometimes neglect to consider: the cost of maintenance and performance.