Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Development and the Cloud: 5 Ways Development And the Cloud Will Come Together in 2020

More and more companies are beginning to turn to Development and the cloud as a way to improve their software teams. Whilst it used to be that development and operations were seen as separate, that view has now changed. Linking the two leads to better communication, faster development times, and the ability to stay on top of things.

How to store the bitrise.yml file | TUTORIAL

Keep your bitrise.yml config file in the repository of your Bitrise app: with this feature, you have full control over maintaining, versioning, and the security of your Bitrise config. Continuous integration and delivery built for mobile: Automate iOS and Android builds, testing and deployment from your first install to the one millionth.

Building an effective data approach in a hybrid cloud world - part 3

In our last two posts, we talked with Deloitte’s Marc Beierschoder and Martin Mannion respectively about the requirement organizations have to deploy their data and analytics, quickly, into a hybrid environment. On top of that, there is the fundamental aspect of consistent security and governance of your enterprise data cloud and need for multiple users with different requirements to access data flexibly.

How-to: Index Data from S3 Using CDP Data Hub

This blog post will present a simple “hello world” kind of example on how to get data that is stored in S3 indexed and served by an Apache Solr service hosted in a Data Discovery and Exploration cluster in CDP. For the curious: DDE is a pre-templeted Solr-optimized cluster deployment option in CDP, and recently released in tech preview. We will only cover AWS and S3 environments in this blog.

The Future Of The Telco Industry And Impact Of 5G & IoT - Part 1

Communication Service Providers (CSPs) are in the middle of a data-driven transformation. The current scale and pace of change in the Telecommunications sector is being driven by the rapid evolution of new technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, advanced data analytics, and edge computing. This is opening up new revenue opportunities, use cases, and even the possibility for different types of business models within the sector, changing the way that CSPs operate.

The Future Of The Telco Industry And Impact Of 5G & IoT - Part 3

In the final installment in the series, Vijay Raja, Director of Industry & Solutions Marketing at Cloudera shares his views on how the telecom sector is changing and where it goes next. Hi Vijay, thank you so much for joining us again. To continue where we left off, how are ML and IoT influencing the Telecom sector, and how is Cloudera supporting this industry evolution?