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The latest News and Information on Software Testing and related technologies.

Cross Browser Testing Automation: Basic principles

The process of web development has changed its meaning in the time span of twenty years ( 2000 to 2021). Earlier the process was simple and just three technologies could do all the job. The competitors were less and the businesses were slow in adapting to the web application phase. On the client side, browser choice was not a luxury. Mainstream desktops had internet explorer with Netscape as an option but it was slower in capturing a significant share.

5 signs you need to choose cross browser testing on the cloud

Only people who are living under the rock aren’t using mobile phones for their daily activities. Well, this means we all rely on our phones for things such as booking tickets, consuming multimedia content, or even ordering groceries and medicine. On average, most of us read, interact, engage and learn from the widely available resources like websites, mobile apps, etc.

What are the advantages of automating your mobile testing on the cloud?

According to Gartner, in the second quarter of 2021, mobile phone sales reached 328.8 million units with an increase of 10.8% year-on-year growth. It is remarkable and quite expected too! This outlines the need for using cloud-based automation platforms for mobile testing. Because when we are dealing with huge numbers and a global audience, it is the best bet.

From 3 Weeks to 3 Hours: How Signagelive Sped up Regression Testing by Switching to Automation

In early 2016, Signagelive—a digital signage company—had an informal approach to QA. When developers had time, they performed a few manual tests ahead of each software release and hoped for the best. This allowed the company to focus on growth and building new features, but the company reached a point where the number of bugs clients found was unacceptable.

A Getting Started Guide to Setting Up Jenkins

The goal of this getting started guide is to help teams get Jenkins continuous integration (CI) servers configured, and discover how to make a newly deployed CI infrastructure fully operational. Jenkins is a leading open source CI server. It is flexible, providing hundreds of plugins to support building, testing, and deployment, and is capable of automating any project. Jenkins CI infrastructure can be deployed to on-prem, in the cloud using configuration management tools, and third-party vendor.