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The latest News and Information on Software Testing and related technologies.

Is Testsigma secure for your organization?

SaaS (software as a service) which is one of the most popular forms of cloud computing has completely revolutionized the world of cloud computing as it is being adopted by a majority of the IT organizations to modernize their IT structure. With companies shifting their tools and platforms from on-premise to cloud-based solutions, there is no doubt the future belongs to the SaaS test automation platforms.

Mike Buczko: 7 Steps to Leadership in Software Testing - @SmartBear Talks

Software testing is so important nowadays. The industry is looking for more efficient and effective approaches for setting up, managing or analyzing tests. As a result, software testing leaders are in high demand. In this interview, we will review the major steps you can follow in your life to become a leader. Mike Buczko, a Test Manager from SpyroSoft, will be our guide to this interesting topic today.

Load Testing a Caddy Web Server on a GCP F1-Micro instance Using K6

I used the K6 load testing framework to benchmark the Compute Engine f1-micro and Caddy web server hosting this site. With CloudFlare caching turned off, the server was able to serve an onslaught 800 virtual users continuously reloading the page (while maintaining a median request duration of <400ms), but started dropping requests when increasing the load further. This is fine.

Agile testing: break silos and build quality in from the start

In traditional software development projects with clear departments and defined roles, people tend to see their responsibilities as limited to the boundaries of their position. Siloed teams are not able to see the systemic view of the whole application delivery since: Siloed departments lose the vast opportunity to help and collaborate with each other and prevent problems and bugs from happening in the first place.

[TUTORIAL] How To Create and Execute Test Suites In Katalon Studio

In this video, we'll cover how to create and execute 3 types of test suites in Katalon Studio: Basic Test Suite, Test Suite Collection, and Dynamic Test Suite. We'll also give you an introduction to the Script mode integration in testing test suites and our WebUI keywords in action. Codeless testing tool is the easiest way for new automation testers to start learning and experimenting with test automation.

Parallelize Your JavaScript Tests In CI/CD

This spring, Sauce Labs announced the Sauce Testrunner Toolkit (beta) to expand developer-first capabilities and support for native JavaScript frameworks. The Testrunner Toolkit makes setting up, writing, and running web tests easier and faster for developers during early pipeline testing. First it supported Puppeteer, followed by Cypress, TestCafe, and Playwright to provide the flexibility to test the way you want, along with Sauce Labs insights, at scale.

A Complete Guide to Choose Test Cases for Automation

Although automation testing is becoming more popular, there remain certain difficulties for automation teams, including selecting which test cases to automate. According to the World Quality Report in 2019, 24% of teams encounter obstacles prohibiting them from deciding on the right test scenario. This article will detail how to choose test cases for automation and maximize your testing journey.

Automation Testing Execution and Report: Best Practices for Beginners

Automation testing has become a recognized domain in the world of software testing. As the name implies, automation testing involves the use of automated tools to carry out test cases with minimal human intervention, then comparing various outcomes and generating test reports. Automated testing is a crucial part of every Agile team to keep up with the demands for fast but high-quality software projects.

Building a unit testing suite with XCTest, Swift, and Bitrise

For example, let’s say that an app that we’re working on supports multiple themes, and that we’re keeping track of the user’s currently selected theme (and other user-configurable settings) through a SettingsController — which in turn uses Foundation’s UserDefaults API to persist those settings, like this.