
The Best Data Lake Tools: A Buyer's Guide

A data lake is a main storage repository that can hold vast amounts of raw, unstructured data. A data lake is not the same as a data warehouse, which maintains data in structured files. Five key takeaways about data lake tools: A data warehouse uses a hierarchical structure, whereas the architecture of a data lake is flat.

Health Care Outside of the Box

How enterprise-grade data management creates better and more efficient care. In the last few years, the acceptance of telehealth has become more widespread as patients and providers found they could maintain continuity through phone and video collaboration, instead of in-person visits. In many cases, a level of care that once required a drive to the clinic or hospital could be delivered over a mobile phone or laptop, with no travel and no waiting room.

Accelerate Gen AI Securely With Snowflake Cortex And Snowpark Container Services

Fueled by vast data volumes and powerful computing, AI is revolutionizing work. To capture the value of Generative AI for business, companies need to customize LLMs with their enterprise data. But feeding sensitive data into externally hosted LLMs poses security and exposure risks, and self-hosting LLMs carry a heavy operational burden from maintaining complex environments.

Accelerating Gen AI for Customer Service with Fivetran, Google Cloud, BigQuery and Vertex AI

Learn how Fivetran’s automated data movement platform allows you to accelerate building Gen AI applications for customer service in Google Cloud with BigQuery and Vertex AI. Kelly Kohlleffel steps you through creating four connectors to BigQuery, including a relational database connector plus Jira, Slack, and Zendesk connectors. Then you’ll see how easy it is to quickly build two Gen AI apps, one for search and one for chat, using Vertex AI and the new customer service datasets in BigQuery.

Snowflake Improves Query Duration by 20% on Stable Workloads Since We Began Tracking the Snowflake Performance Index

Earlier this year at Snowflake Summit, we announced the public launch of the Snowflake Performance Index (SPI), an aggregate index for measuring real-world improvements in Snowflake performance experienced by customers over time. In this post, we provide our biannual update to showcase the latest improvements.

CSV Import Errors: Quick Fixes for Data Pros

Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files are indispensable in the realm of data management, serving as a bridge for data exchange across disparate systems, platforms, and apps. Despite their ubiquity and the simplicity they bring to data importation, professionals often face hurdles that can disrupt workflows and lead to data integrity issues. These challenges, ranging from minor formatting mismatches to complex encoding dilemmas, underscore the need for a comprehensive understanding of the CSV import process.

Logi Symphony: Essential Customer Information

The landscape of business intelligence (BI) is undergoing a metamorphosis, demanding solutions that transcend static reports and siloed data. At insightsoftware, we’re not merely keeping pace with this evolution – we’re spearheading it with the transformative rebirth of Logi Symphony. Gone are the days of cumbersome BI 1.0 and self-service limitations of BI 2.0.

5 Steps to Data Diversity: More Diverse Data Makes for Smarter AI

In an iconic Top Gun scene, Charlie tells Maverick that a maneuver is impossible. Maverick replies, “The data on the MIG is inaccurate.” In the more recent sequel, despite his extensive, firsthand knowledge, Maverick is told “the future’s coming and you’re not in it.” While flying may be more automated now, the importance of accurate and diverse data for aviation safety remains — and is likely even more critical.