
NatWest Helps Customers Track Their Carbon Footprints with the Snowflake Data Cloud

With 19 million customers, NatWest is a household name in banking. We talked to David Charnley, the bank’s Head of Strategy and Transformation for Data and Analytics, to learn how Snowflake’s Data Cloud provides new insights into customer activities. NatWest collaborates across several areas of the business, including risk teams, retail teams, and ESG teams, to produce in-depth analysis of its customers’ carbon footprints. Using Snowflake, the bank combines risk data, customer identity data, transactions, and activity to paint a rich and detailed picture of how the actions customers take every day add to their emissions totals.

Overcoming 9 Data Governance Challenges

Data governance is the process of managing and protecting data throughout its lifecycle. It involves establishing policies, procedures, and standards for how data is collected, stored, used, and shared. This requires systems that are complex to be put in place by several stakeholders across the organization. Many organizations look at selecting the right software to implement a framework.

Forget IT; Think Business Led Data Governance Initiative

A good data governance strategy should benefit all users of your organization’s data—not just those with technical responsibility for it. Recent years have seen the increasing importance of data as a strategic asset, as several companies have used it to unlock and create value. Increasingly, companies are turning to data governance programs as a foundational pillar of their data strategy (like data mesh) to improve their data sets’ quality, consistency, usability, and security.

Is Data Observability the new Anti-Virus?

We often find it hard to remember the world we left behind, but cast your mind back, say, 20 years, and we lived in a very different world. Personal Computers and the internet were on the rise, and businesses were all becoming connected. This provided companies with immense opportunities in terms of collaboration and digital adoption, and on the flip side, it eased the distribution of computer viruses. Today we barely even think about our antivirus software and policies.