
Migrating Big Data Workloads to the Cloud with Unravel

The movement to utilize data to drive more effective business outcomes continues to accelerate. But with this acceleration comes an explosion of complex platforms to collect, process, store, and analyze this data. Ensuring these platforms are utilized optimally is a tremendous challenge for businesses. Join Mick Nolen at Senior Solutions Engineer at Unravel Data, as he takes you through Unravel’s approach to migrating big data workloads to the Cloud. Whether you’re migrating from

Collaboration is Key to Reducing Pain and Finding Value in Data

When it comes to cloud, being an early adopter does not necessarily put you ahead of the game. I know of companies that have been perpetually “doing cloud” for 10 years, but very few that have “done cloud” in a way that democratises and makes data accessible, with minimal pain points. Cloud is an enabler. It makes it easier to collect, analyse, and disseminate information.

If Dashboards Are Dead, Why Are We Embedding Them?

For decades, the analytics/BI community has suffered from low user adoption (~30%). Dashboards and fancy visualizations have only proven to be the starting point of the analytics journey, not the endpoint. We are living in a world that demands far greater agility than a fixed layer of information or KPI can provide. Poor user adoption is the result when the analytics system fails to support the users full journey: from data – to insight – to action.

7 Rules for Bulletproof, Reproducible Machine Learning R&D

So, if you’re a nose-to-the-keyboard developer, there’s ample probability that this analogy is outside your comfort zone … bear with me. Imagine two Olympics-level figure skaters working together on the ice, day in and day out, to develop and perfect a medal-winning performance. Each has his or her role, and they work in sync to merge their actions and fine-tune the results.

Cloudera Supercharges the Enterprise Data Cloud with NVIDIA

Cloudera Data Platform Powered by NVIDIA RAPIDS Software Aims to Dramatically Increase Performance of the Data Lifecycle Across Public and Private Clouds Cloudera announced today a new collaboration with NVIDIA that will help Cloudera customers accelerate data engineering, analytics, machine learning and deep learning performance with the power of NVIDIA GPU computing across public and private clouds.

Fivetran Recognized in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools

Gartner names Fivetran in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant in the data integration tools category. Today, we’re proud to share that Fivetran has been recognized in the August 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools for the first time. The data integration market is rapidly evolving and expanding as organizations increasingly understand the value of analytics and the importance of data-backed decisions in driving business success.