
7 Rules for Bulletproof, Reproducible Machine Learning R&D

So, if you’re a nose-to-the-keyboard developer, there’s ample probability that this analogy is outside your comfort zone … bear with me. Imagine two Olympics-level figure skaters working together on the ice, day in and day out, to develop and perfect a medal-winning performance. Each has his or her role, and they work in sync to merge their actions and fine-tune the results.

Governing Cloud Data Stores

This is the second post in a series about data modeling and data governance in the cloud from Snowflake’s partners at erwin. See the first post here. As you move data from legacy systems to a cloud data platform, you need to ensure the quality and overall governance of that data. Until recently, data governance was primarily an IT role that involved cataloging data elements to support search and discovery.

Why Valuable Data Needs To Be Identifiable to The Entire Business

In recent years, organizations have been making massive investments in data analytics to transform their growing volume of data into actionable insights to inform decision-making. However, the pursuit of becoming data-driven has uncovered challenges earlier in the data pipeline that are preventing companies from reaping all the benefits from their data.

UK Government: From cloud first to cloud appropriate?

Since 2013 the UK Government’s flagship ‘Cloud First’ policy has been at the forefront of enabling departments to shed their legacy IT architecture in order to meaningfully embrace digital transformation. The policy outlines that the cloud (and specifically, public cloud) be the default position for any new services; unless it can be demonstrated that other alternatives offer better value for money.

New Snowflake Features Released in August 2020

In August 2020, Snowflake announced several new features, all in preview, that make its cloud data platform easier to use, more powerful for sharing data, and more usable via Snowflake-supported languages. These innovations mean you can bring more workloads, more users, and more data to Snowflake, helping your organization solve your most demanding analytics challenges. Multi-Cloud, Cross-Cloud, and Pattern-Matching Support in Snowpipe