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How to Automate Service Mesh Observability With Kuma

The more services you have running across different clouds and Kubernetes clusters, the harder it is to ensure that you have a central place to collect service mesh observability metrics. That’s one of the reasons we created Kuma, an open source control plane for service mesh. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to set up and leverage the Traffic Metrics and Traffic Trace policies that Kuma provides out of the box. If you haven’t already, install Kuma and connect a service.

Why Organizations Should View APIs As Products

The application programming interface (API) is a piece of middleware technology that helps programs talk to each other and improves business workflows. Previous schools of thought categorized APIs as a tool to be kept within the business however recent innovations with APIs show the technology is capable of doing so much more. Thanks to API innovations and evangelists, we’re now on the verge of a new API golden age where businesses rise and fall by the strength of their integrations.

How do APIs Help Integrate Your Organization?

Whether you’re adding to your app ecosystem or working on a full digital transformation business strategy, your aim is a smooth enterprise integration process. But when you’re working with multiple programming languages, brands, or operating systems, it can get complicated quickly. API integration is now critical to business functionality in an increasingly technical world. It’s the best way to avoid compatibility issues with all your apps and opens the door for future implementations.

Getting Started with Kong Mesh and Open Policy Agent

In Kong Mesh 1.2, we added a number of new features to help enterprises accelerate their service mesh adoption. One of the major new features was native Open Policy Agent (OPA) support within the product. In the demo image above, you can see a number actions taking place across a simple web application. These “actions” ultimately are various GET, POST, and DELETE methods (API calls) across various tiers of our microservice application.

How to Monitor Azure API Management Performance with the Moesif Plugin

Azure API Management (APIM) is a powerful platform that enables you to publish and scale APIs while ensuring they are secured. One of the great features of Azure APIM is that you can add plugins and transforms to your APIs without any code change or restarts. These capabilities are deployed using XML Policies which are a collection of statements.

Are Data Silos Hindering Your Digital Transformation?

Most organizations today have some form of digital transformation strategy in the works. But a large share of these projects fail. Why is this? IT specialists will tell you that apart from misalignment between the goals of IT and business leadership, the main obstacle to a successful digital transformation is the adherence to obsolete data silos.