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How to Fix Method/Constructor X in Class Y Cannot be Applied to Given Types in Java

In computer programming, a function is a set of instructions that can be invoked to perform a particular task. In object-oriented programming (OOP), a method is a function that is typically associated with an object and models its behavior . In Java, methods can also be static, in which case they are part of a class definition and do not require an object to be created before they are invoked.

4 Government Technology Trends to Watch For in 2022

As a new calendar year approaches, public sector CIOs and IT leaders are preparing for another year of change in their technology stack and its role in accomplishing their mission. The last two years have brought immense change and shifting imperatives to the public sector. Perhaps one of the most impactful is the drastic acceleration of digitization initiatives.

Express vs. Hapi: A Head-to-Head Comparison

Express and Hapi are frameworks based on Node.js, an open-source server environment that runs on various platforms, using JavaScript as the language of choice. Since both frameworks are Nodejs-based and popularly used for web and mobile application development, let’s compare them and see which is more suitable for your needs as a developer.

What's New in Rails 7

Rails 7 is just around the corner. We don't have a confirmed release date, but it is expected to be available before Christmas, so not very long to go. The latest version as of this post's publication is 7.0.0.rc1, the first release candidate. Basecamp, HEY, Github, and Shopify have all been running the Rails 7 alpha in production, so we can expect even the release candidate to be pretty stable. In this post, we will look at some of the new features and changes that Rails 7 will bring.

Multi-Thread in Node.js: What are Worker Threads?

Node.js is a free, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment, while single-threaded in nature, executes asynchronous code using several threads in the background. Because of its design, Node.js has received a lot of flak. It seems unusual that Node.js doesn't have direct access to threads when compared to programming languages like Java, C, or Python. The worker_thread module in Node.js 11 allows us to launch many threads on a single core.

What's new in npm 8?

I know, right? NPM 8 was released just a couple of months ago and you’re looking for a blog post that summarizes all the changes and new stuff in the new version because you want to be ahead of the curve or simply don’t want your app to crash when upgrading. You googled but nothing relevant appeared; only a document from Github blog that refers to this issue on the NPM organization.

UE5 Update: How Top Studios Manage Unreal Upgrades With Perforce Streams

Unreal Engine 5 is coming. Well, it is already here! Leading studios are making the switch. This means upgrading their toolsets, retesting their codebase, and figuring out how to manage changes to the engine moving forward. For leading game studios, a UE5 update (and customizations) can be safely managed with Helix Core — the game development standard for version control. It’s the tool trusted by 95% of top AAA studios.