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How APIs, Edge Computing and AI will Evolve in 2018

If you’ve spent any time reading the round-up of 2018 technology predictions, you’ve likely seen Artificial Intelligence (AI) highlighted in nearly every one. The reason for this is because AI has a seemingly limitless number of applications and use cases for the enterprise. In fact, according to Gartner, over 85% of customer interactions will be managed without a human by 2020.

Introducing Crash Reporting

Bugfender is a tool that assists mobile developers debug their applications and provide better customer support, by gathering logs from devices using their apps. In essence, Bugfender acts as a really long USB cable that connects all mobile phones running your application back to your computer… even if your application was downloaded from the App Store or Google Play and you’ve never actually met the user in person. Handy, right?

Successful Methodologies with Talend

For those who are familiar with my previous Talend blogs perhaps you’ve noticed that I like to talk about building better solutions through design patterns and best practices. My blogs also tend to be a bit long. Yet you read them; many thanks for that! This blog is going to focus on methodologies as they apply to Talend solutions.

Six Top Technology Trends to Watch in 2018

Usually, predictions for a new year are brimming with optimism for a future yet unfurled. But 2018 is a roaring exception, given it’s the grand finale of decisions made back in 2016. Yes, perhaps we should have seen much of this coming, but few did. Hold onto your hats, because 2018 is almost upon us and it’s going to be a rough ride. The good news is that we’ll likely all be better off on the other side for having gone through these ‘data growing pains.’

Disaster Recovery 101: 3 Strategies to Consider

When a disaster strikes and takes down the IT systems that are essential to operations, the IT team is often called on to enable a quick recovery. A disaster recovery plan (DRP) can help get systems back online quickly and efficiently. This plan documents the procedures required recover critical data and IT infrastructure after an outage.