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What Is Data Democratization? Explanation, Benefits, and Best Practices

When was the last time you had all the data you needed to make a business decision? Hopefully, it was today. But if it wasn’t, you’re not alone. It’s increasingly difficult for people inside enterprise organizations to harness the power of their data. Even though good decisions are nearly impossible without good data, getting data into the right hands at the right time is easier said than done.

The role of Data Observability in the single source of truth

Recently I read a very informative article by Stephen Catanzano in Tech Target (Avoid data sprawl with a single source of truth). To be honest, this is an age-old challenge, and it's getting worse. IDC states that by 2025 the global datasphere will grow to 175 Zeta bytes and that 90% of the data in the world is a replica. Why does this matter? As Stephen points out in his article, a single source of truth is a fundamental concept in data management.

Unlock Quality at Scale with Xray Enterprise

The days of waterfall and siloed teams are gone. QA now works alongside development to release products faster and find bugs sooner. Agile transformations changed how companies work, bringing development and testing together and prioritizing quality. However, the current market and consumers demand higher levels of quality and faster releases. Companies can’t afford bugs, vulnerabilities, or critical issues. Quality is no longer a vision - it’s a necessity.

Shift Left with Multibranch Pipeline Using Argo Workflows

This blog is a follow-up to our earlier discussion of multibranch pipelines and how they can help streamline software development processes. There we explored the benefits of managing pipelines in the same repository as code and how that gives developers the ability to version their pipelines alongside their code, ensuring they remain in sync.

What defines the modern data stack and why you should care

When I was working at Google back in the mid 2000’s, we dealt with tens of billions of ad impressions a day, trained several machine learning models on years worth of historic data, and used frequently-updated models in ranking ads. The whole system was an amazing feat of engineering and there was no system out there that was even close to handling this much data. It took us years and hundreds of engineers to make this happen, today, the same scale can be achieved in any enterprise.

Is Voice of the Customer (VoC) relevant in 2023?

Every so often, different advocates across organizations ignore the Voice of the Customer. This may be due to changes in business priorities, redistribution of resources, focus on new trends, or that they clear a profit regardless. This brings the value of the customer's voice into question: should we still allocate time and effort towards listening to customers when following new trends is the norm? ‍ The short answer is a resounding yes.