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Rails ActionCable - the good and the bad

ActionCable allows developers to move away from the typical request/response paradigm of old to one where persistent WebSocket connections are maintained from clients to your Rails servers. Event-driven and low-latency, WebSockets are an excellent choice for use cases like live chat, alerts & notifications, and realtime data broadcast.

How to Upload a File Using Selenium?

Uploading a file is a common factor for most scenarios. There are many instances, like uploading a resume for your job portal, uploading your identity proof for your passport, etc. When multiple files need to be uploaded and tested at once, it becomes necessary to ensure that there are no errors to automate the test cases. Why? This avoids human intervention as it’s time-consuming. This is where Automation testing comes into the picture.

10 Best Web Automation Tools For QA In 2023

Automated web testing solutions are essential in today’s cut-throat competition for building a quality product in the software development market. This enables CI/CD integration, Agile, and DevOps methodologies to keep up with the demand, which is continuously changing. Automated testing tools are now in charge of ensuring all test cases are covered and utilized to their fullest extent rather than just focusing on cutting testing durations.

Push Notification Testing and Troubleshooting

In today’s landscape, the mobile app industry, undoubtedly, is highly competitive. That’s why marketers always keep an eye out for the latest trends and coherent strategies to be one step ahead of their competitors. Of all the tactics, one thing that might always work is providing customers with the best user experience possible. You need a strategic course of action that instantly leads you to your customers. But how?

Guide to Selenium IDE: Advantages, Components, and Features

As more organizations adopt the agile methodology, the demand for automation also increases. As the agile focus on timely faster delivery, manual testing may increase the delivery time. One of the main disadvantages of manual testing is that performing the regression takes more time and involves more resources and costs. There are many automation tools in the market, such as Playwright, Cypress, Selenium, WebdriverIO, etc. Selenium is the most popular and most used tool in the market.

Component Testing vs Unit Testing: Top Differences, Types, and Examples

Testing is a crucial part of every Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). It takes center stage in CI/CD pipeline, allowing developers to release reliable, resilient, and safe software. Multiple testing types exist, such as End-to-End testing, Unit testing, Integration testing, Dynamic testing, and more. And among all these different types, two important ones, Component and Unit testing, emerge in the initial phase of SDLC. As they are closely related, developers need to understand their differences.

Playwright vs Selenium: Which one should you choose?

The agile development methodology focuses on the rapid and speedy delivery of the software in a phased manner. The agile methodology recommends testing should be on a sprint basis. Rather than testing the entire application in one go, the tester should focus more on testing the individual components than the entire system. Manual testing is time-consuming; the same test cases need to be tested multiple times as part of the testing strategy.

A Complete Guide to Browser Sandbox and its Architecture

Sandboxing is a vast concept used in a variety of domains, from children’s toys to computer security. This term originates from creating a box of sand for children who do not go along together very well. By this method, they create a boundary or their own space in which they can play and not interfere with one another.

Forget IT; Think Business Led Data Governance Initiative

A good data governance strategy should benefit all users of your organization’s data—not just those with technical responsibility for it. Recent years have seen the increasing importance of data as a strategic asset, as several companies have used it to unlock and create value. Increasingly, companies are turning to data governance programs as a foundational pillar of their data strategy (like data mesh) to improve their data sets’ quality, consistency, usability, and security.