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What it takes to build a realtime chat or messaging app

We all expect online experiences to happen in realtime. Messages should arrive instantly, dashboards should deliver business metrics as they happen, and live sports scores should broadcast to fans around the world in a blink. This expectation is even higher for chat, which is now embedded in everything from e-commerce platforms to online gaming. But building realtime chat requires some heavy lifting—especially if you’re starting from scratch.

How to Reduce Time Spent on Technical Debt Management

Raise your hand if your team has ever been forced to prioritize delivery speed over sound design. It happens all too often in the world of application development, and we’ve all been there. The compromises made in the rush to deliver value to your customers result in technical debt. As a delivery leader, you need to manage the repayment of technical debt, which taxes your productivity and is a potential source of functional and cyber risk.

Code Like a Pro: 10 tips for aspiring coders

The definition of good code varies for each person, but most define it as code that is fully tested. There are those who define that the performance and speed of this product are incredible, moreover, it runs perfectly on old hardware. Though precisely, a clean code focuses on adaptability and extensibility for an organization and lasts beyond its original timeframe. Coding is the language in which all computers intercommunicate and comprehend.

5 Data Management Trends For 2023

Every year analysts, vendors, thought leaders, and everyone in between like to surmise the upcoming trends for the year. I am going to do something a little different this year. I am discussing some trends, just like everyone else, but basing them on what we are seeing with customers and how they are succeeding with the platform. Not just succeeding, but levering complex and diverse data sets to enable better business decisions and support growth.

Data Warehouse Best Practices: 6 Factors to Consider in 2023

Data warehousing is the process of collating data from multiple sources in an organization and store it in one place for further analysis, reporting and business decision making. Typically, organizations will have a transactional database that contains information on all day to day activities. Organizations will also have other data sources – third party or internal operations related. Data from all these sources are collated and stored in a data warehouse through an ELT or ETL process.

7 Best Data Analysis Tools

Five things to know about this topic: Just about every process used within a business generates some form of data. While some may see this information as useless, data analysis tools can turn it into a resource that helps your brand make better decisions in every aspect of its operations. Not all analytical tools are equal. However, the ones on this list can help you generate incredible insights that result in better decision-making.

Panel recap: What Is DataOps observability?

Data teams and their business-side colleagues now expect—and need—more from their observability solutions than ever before. Modern data stacks create new challenges for performance, reliability, data quality, and, increasingly, cost. And the challenges faced by operations engineers are going to be different from those for data analysts, which are different from those people on the business side care about. That’s where DataOps observability comes in.