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Creating Tables Using React Table Library

Tables are an essential part of front-end development. Be it creating structured data or making data visualization easier for users including tables is almost essential. However, if you’re working with React often creating complex tables might provide you with insufferable stress as the process is quite complex and time-consuming. Hence, instead of using only React to create tables the use of external libraries for table creation is often encouraged for react-developers.

5 Prerequisites to Consider While Building Trustworthy AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing at a breakneck pace, and it is swiftly emerging as a potential disruptor and vital enabler for almost every business in every sector. At this point, the technology itself is not a barrier to the mainstream use of AI; rather, it a collection of challenges that, unfortunately, are far more human, such as ethics, governance, and human values, are.

What is Localization Testing? How To Improve Customer Experience with Localization

Learn about localization testing, including its benefits, when to use it, and how to perform localization testing. One of the most persistent challenges for global brands is to provide a positive customer experience that appeals to the target market's local audience. These brands must create a product that is relatable and flexible enough to accommodate an individual user’s native language and culture as well as regional settings like currency, date, and time format.

The Importance of Business and IT Alignment to Build Successful Data Pipelines

Okay, I’ll admit, I am pretty biased when it comes to how people within organizations work together to ensure successful data projects. I have been involved in too many projects that failed to take into account the importance of collaboration across departments and functions. They were stuck on data and only the data.

Functional and Non Functional Software QA Testing

When it comes to QA Testing Software, there are two main categories: functional testing and non-functional testing. Both have their advantages and are constrained in their own ways. As we have explained in different occasions, the Quality Assurance Testing is carried out in a manner chosen by the user but remember that by using functional testing, you can see what the process is doing and how the system responds to different inputs.

Not All MFA is Created Equal, Especially in CIAM

Since October is cybersecurity awareness month, it’s a great time to revisit the question of what are the best ways to secure user authentication in CIAM. In many industries (finance and healthcare, to name a few), regulations require the use of multifactor authentication (MFA) to protect access to sensitive data and transactions.

The Power of Unlocking and Unifying Data

Every day, humans produce 2.5 quintillion bytes of data. Just to put that number into perspective, there are 18 zeros in a quintillion. Unifying data can allow you to take advantage of it and benefit your business. The vast majority of organizations have collected nearly endless amounts of data. Yet, these same organizations are starving for information that can be used to make more informed decisions. Information may be stored in databases that don’t talk to each other.

Top 5 iOS App Testing Frameworks

Learn about the top test automation frameworks for testing iOS apps, including the benefits and advantages of each plus sample code. A huge number of mobile testing tools have been developed in recent years to support mobile development in response to the explosive growth of the mobile app and device market in recent years. When it comes to choosing what mobile test automation framework is right for you, there is a huge array of options, each with different strengths and weaknesses.

What is continuous deployment?

After working on a new feature or an improvement, it's normal that you want to deliver these changes to your users as fast as possible. Depending on your deployment pipeline, confidently deploying changes to production might include coordinating with whoever is leading on-call, getting their approval, manually deploying your changes, spending hours to monitor how it goes, and performing a rollback in case something goes wrong.

Welcome to the decade of data

To quote Hemingway: change happens gradually, then suddenly. We see this in the world around us. Think back to 2019. There’s no denying how much the pandemic reshaped our professional and personal lives, with technology driving this change at massive scale. Yet these changes, despite their ubiquity, are really the culmination of trends like cloud and automation that were well underway.