A performance study on real-time data Integration from Oracle to Google BigQuery Using Striim.
Learn about our reimagined mobile test automation pyramid for modern DevOps practices. With the mobile market growing explosively and customer expectations increasing just as rapidly, today’s mobile app development and QA teams are under tremendous pressure to deliver constant updates for their apps while providing a continuous and seamless user experience.
Data structure and type validations are so essential in modern Rails apps. You've probably used Active Model validations and strong parameters, but did you know there is a better way? This article introduces the dry-schema gem—a faster alternative to the defaults!
When performance testing you need a set of requirements to measure your response times against. When defining these you should do so with your end users or business teams. It is relatively easy to predict volumes, load and users that will use your application as you will no doubt have some data based on your current systems. It is a lot harder to agree on what the response times of your application should be.
In Golang, wrapping errors means adding more contextual information to the error which has been returned. For example, the additional information could be the type of error, the cause of the error, or the name of the function where the error is raised. Wrapping is very useful for debugging since you can precisely and quickly locate the source of the problem.
The PHP PDOException is a runtime exception that occurs when something goes wrong while using the PDO (PHP Data Objects) class or its related extensions. For example, this exception can occur while handling database connections or queries.
Developers can develop agile applications using these conventions and write less code. Moreover, Ruby on Rails developers' communities can be enhanced in terms of maintainability and understandability. Furthermore, the developers use the Rails conventions and sensitive defaults in their web applications, making them more scalable. Among them are email management, object-database mappings, file structures, code generation, element naming and organization, etc.