The ActionController::RoutingError is the most common error faced when working on a Ruby on Rails project - it’s equivalent to the classic 404 error in web applications. The ActionController::RoutingError indicates that there isn't a route in the application for the URL entered by the user in the browser.
The PHP InvalidArgumentException is an exception that is thrown when an inappropriate argument is passed to a function. This could be because of an unexpected data type or invalid data.
The NoMethodError is the most common error encountered in Ruby. As the name suggests, a NoMethodError occurs when the object on which we are trying to call a method or an attribute is not defined. For example when you call a method on an object that is nil or that is not defined: Output.
Whether you call it self-service analytics or self-service business intelligence (BI), there has been much discussion about the perils, myths, promises, and prospects of successfully building self-service capability. Going forward, I’ll use the phrase “self-service BI” but you are welcome to substitute the words “self-service analytics”.So, is self-service BI actually attainable or just snake oil?
This tutorial will demonstrate Keptn, a CNCF Incubator Project’s integration with k6. Keptn is a cloud-native application delivery and operations platform. We will use the Job Executor Service to execute k6 performance testing in a Keptn project. We'll start with running a k6 script and how the logs look. And then we'll modify the k6 script to see the behavior when it fails.
A discussion with BDD advocate, former Test Automation Specialist, and SmartBear Senior Solutions Engineer Dermot Canniffe. Learn about Gherkin Syntax, best practices for writing Gherkin scenarios, and the value of automating Gherkin scenarios using TestComplete.
Cloudera has been working on Apache Ozone, an open-source project to develop a highly scalable, highly available, strongly consistent distributed object store. Ozone is able to scale to billions of objects and hundreds petabytes of data. It enables cloud-native applications to store and process mass amounts of data in a hybrid multi-cloud environment and on premises.