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Four Issues Killing your Software Development Lifecycle

With many options to modernize tech stacks and improve developer UX, it’s hard to know where to start. Consider starting with your Software Development Life Cycle. There are a number of opportunities that can provide quick wins for a development team without disrupting productivity and release cycles while saving money and improving developer experience and deployment times.

How Do I Enrich My Data: Data Management and ETL

Five things you need to know about how to enrich data ETL: All business decisions happen based on the data that’s available. It makes sense, then, that the more detailed that data is, the more effective those business decisions can be. That’s where data enrichment comes in. When e-commerce companies enrich data, they can improve data analysis and business intelligence and make smarter, more informed decisions.

Memory Anomaly Detection in N|Solid [5/10] The best APM for Node, layer by layer

Anomaly detection refers to the problem of finding patterns in data that do not conform to expected behavior. Understanding memory management reduces the possibility of wasting your application's resources and the unexpected effects on performance. According to Sergey Kibish, Anomalies can be illustrated in a simple two-dimensional space.

Fetch API in Node.js

Fetch() support is now available in Node.js as an experimental core feature. Fetch() is a well-liked cross-platform HTTP client API that functions in browsers and Web/Service Workers. Many people who want to build cross-platform HTTP request code and are familiar with the fetch() API structure and call patterns have long demanded the addition of fetch() support. The node-fetch module was created specifically to backfill this feature in Node.js, which is why it exists.

An Introduction to Multithreading in Node.js

Computers are becoming more powerful, thanks to GPUs and multi-core CPUs. Equally, applications are getting more complex as they leverage threads (independent execution units in a process) for maximum application performance and responsiveness. In this article, we will explain what multithreading is, and how Node.js handles asynchronous operations using the event loop and worker pools. We'll also discuss how to use the Node.js worker-threads module to create and manage threads. Let's get started!

The Road to Enterprise Modernization Begins with Process Mining

It’s a journey every organization takes eventually – overhaul legacy systems and streamline core processes to drive efficiencies. But with more complexity than ever before, even the best companies struggle, with limited process transparency, compliance mandates and performance goals preventing progress. The path to enterprise modernization is clear – efficient workflows rule the day.

Use Next.js and Vercel to build a link-sharing app using serverless WebSockets

In this post, we’ll show you how to use Next.js and Vercel to build a live link-sharing app. Users can share URLs of articles that they think might interest others, and anyone viewing the page will see the shared article appear instantly, together with a preview image and article summary: Along the way, in this article, you will learn how to: You can view the solution code on Github, or play with a live example.

Software Testing Linked to Health, Wellness and Medical App Successes

July 20, 2022 — Testlio, the originator of networked testing, has released a comprehensive report that identifies trends and benchmarks in medical and health app software testing. The report examines the release frequency, app store ratings, and testing device coverage practices of health, fitness, and medical apps.

HTTP Tracing in N|Solid [4/10] The best APM for Node, layer by layer

In Node.js, you can centralize tracing information generated by V8, Js code, and userspace code. Directly in the APMs, tracing means that you will have a detail of each flow in your application's process; this means that you will have records available of each time a function is called or a database or external information is called. With tracing, you will have a way to capture, visualize and analyze traces across complex architectures, including architectures that use monoliths and microservices.

Greater Inclusiveness and Accessibility for the Visually Impaired using Countly

Ever wondered what it would be like if we weren’t able to see all of a sudden? Being born blind and facing blindness and low vision at a later stage are very different experiences. When you first feel the loss of vision, the panic and the helplessness are real. It’s that feeling of losing something important that we took for granted. Let’s just take a moment to appreciate that we can read this all thanks to our healthy eyesight.