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Ranorex vs Selenium : Which is Better? [2022 Updated]

After hours of coding complex web applications and algorithms, amongst many other things, manual tests had to be carried out hundreds of times to ensure the code was right. However, with the introduction of automated tests, things have become much easier for programmers. Ranorex and Selenium are two very popular test automation tools used for this purpose. In today’s article, we will be doing a comparison of Ranorex vs Selenium.

Getting Started Remote Debugging Python Apps in PyCharm

Python really needs no introduction, but Google’s search algorithms demand it. Python is essential for its versatility and low barrier of entry for new users. It’s become a vital part of nearly every corner of development, especially in big data and machine learning which may not have progressed to where they are in 2022 without Python’s inception. All the same, debugging Python needs to be efficient.

Build Hybrid Data Pipelines and Enable Universal Connectivity With CDF-PC Inbound Connections

In the second blog of the Universal Data Distribution blog series, we explored how Cloudera DataFlow for the Public Cloud (CDF-PC) can help you implement use cases like data lakehouse and data warehouse ingest, cybersecurity, and log optimization, as well as IoT and streaming data collection. A key requirement for these use cases is the ability to not only actively pull data from source systems but to receive data that is being pushed from various sources to the central distribution service.

How to Inspect Elements in Chrome

If you use the internet frequently, there are very few chances that you have not come across Google Chrome. By this statement, I can easily cover those people who have not even used this browser or their mode of internet surfing is a different one. So, even if I am on Microsoft Edge and I search for a query or open Google’s home page, I am forced just to check out this fantastic browser once: This is a common scenario whether you have Chrome installed or not.

How to Fix the Missing Format Argument Exception in Java?

The MissingFormatArgumentException is an unchecked exception in Java that occurs when a format specifier does not have a corresponding argument or if an argument index points to an argument that does not exist. Since the MissingFormatArgumentException is thrown at runtime, it does not need to be declared in the throws clause of a method or constructor.

Bridging the Productivity Chasm in Operational Transfer Pricing

COVID-19 introduced an unprecedented level of volatility in world markets, and the shockwaves that arrived in its wake exposed a wide chasm between two main types of multinational organizations: Those with agile internal processes and those without. In a world built on complex and globalized supply chains, COVID-19 tested that internal agility, sometimes to breaking point.

11 API Trends to Watch for in 2022

As the world undergoes a digital transformation, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are becoming increasingly important. An API is a set of rules allowing the software to communicate with others. In other words, APIs act as a bridge between different applications. As a business owner, staying up-to-date on the latest API trends is essential. This article will discuss 11 important API initiatives for the upcoming year.

Build Your Own Analytics Platform: Advantages and Disadvantages of an Extensible-by-Plugins...

Never before has data become so prevalent in everything we do. Sorting out the best way to make sense of incoming terabytes of data has turned into an extreme sport. Likewise, it has become a life-or-death decision in every organization, regardless of their level of maturity, to determine an analytics strategy to harness the potential power of all that data without running the risk of overwhelming teams and paralyzing processes.