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How to Combat Python Memory Leaks

Memory leaks are one of developers’ worst nightmares. They can easily take down a healthy running application within hours if not minutes. It can be difficult to detect some of such leaks since they slowly grow and take over your app’s available memory. On top of it, each programming language manages memory in its own unique ways and hence can leak memory in different ways. Hence proactive measures to identify and prevent such leaks from happening is crucial.

7 Tools that Can Help Automate Repetitive Tasks

How often have you found been buried among piles of emails, expense reports, meeting invites, and other organizational tasks where a little part of you wished that this never-ending to-do list could organize itself on its own or even better, magically vanish? McKinsey reported that in an average workweek, 28% of an employee’s time goes into just responding to emails. Additionally, another 19% is spent on gathering information, while 14% of time is spent on communicative and collaborative tasks.

Deployment-time testing with Grafana k6 and Flagger

When it comes to building and deploying applications, one increasingly popular approach these days is to use microservices in Kubernetes. It provides an easy way to collaborate across organizational boundaries and is a great way to scale. However, it comes with many operational challenges. One big issue is that it’s difficult to test the microservices in real-life scenarios before letting production traffic reach them. But there are ways to get around it.

The Secrets Behind Personalization: The Customer 360 view

In the era of hyper-personalization, your customers expect you to tailor your products and services to a market of one (aka, them). This is hard to do when the majority of big corporations are built for the masses, not for the hyper-niche markets. So how do you move from addressing the “male or female between 20 and 65 years” segment to having personalized conversations? With the Customer 360 view.

Why You Need to Think about API Automation and Scalability

First published on The New Stack. The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards digital channels for banking, retail, and a host of other services. As a result, businesses are shifting their digital transformation initiatives into overdrive in order to meet customer demand for online interactions, which should be both inviting and secure. APIs act as key drivers behind most successful digital enterprises.

Introduction to API Gateways and Microgateways

An API gateway lets API calls enter and leave to reach their corresponding destination points, better known as microservices, in a system. An API gateway is mainly responsible for routing API calls. Its secondary responsibilities include security, caching, load balancing, rate-limiting, dynamic discovery and routing, management, and scaling the number API calls.

Three Ways Active Intelligence Can Support the CFO

Finance has been at the forefront of enterprise analytics for decades. Over the years, these analytics have evolved from reactive, descriptive analytics related to financial performance, treasury holdings, and inventory management to predictive and prescriptive analytics for risk, credit, and financial business modeling.