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Introducing our new Java Spring Error Monitoring SDK

We’re excited to announce that we’ve strengthened our solution for Java Spring. Spring developers can now integrate Rollbar into their Java Spring Boot and Spring Web MVC applications even more quickly and easily. With our new SDK, instrumentation and getting real-time actionable error alerts takes just a few minutes. Spring has consistently been one of the most popular Java frameworks and we want to make sure we’re consistently offering the best possible solution for it.

Cloudera Operational Database experience (dbPaaS) available as Technical Preview

The Cloudera Operational Database (COD) experience is a managed dbPaaS solution which abstracts the underlying cluster instance as a Database. It can auto-scale based on the workload utilization of the cluster and will be adding the ability to auto-tune (better performance within the existing infrastructure footprint) and auto-heal (resolve operational problems automatically) later this year.

Kong Gateway 2.1 Released!

We are happy to announce the first release in the 2.1 series of our flagship open source API gateway! Since Kong 2.0 was released in January, we have released a number of patch releases, but we have also been busy writing new features as well! This release comes packed with new functionality, ranging from updates for improved P99 latency to new features for gRPC, improvements to your favorite plugins and much more. Here are the highlights.

Mobile App Distribution Made Easy - Introducing Applivery Integrations

Cheers to the newest addition to the Bitrise Step Library — meet Applivery , a powerful enterprise mobile device management system that enables full control over your Mobile Apps. Combined with Bitrise, you can cover the entire development life cycle, from testing and building to delivery and feedback.

Apache Hadoop YARN in CDP Data Center 7.1: What's new and how to upgrade

This blogpost will cover how customers can migrate clusters and workloads to the new Cloudera Data Platform – Data Center 7.1 (CDP DC 7.1 onwards) plus highlights of this new release. CDP DC 7.1 is the on-premises version of Cloudera Data Platform.

Powered by Fivetran Fuels Savvy Data Insights Platforms and Agencies

Powered by Fivetran (PBF) is a new offering for modern data insights platforms that provide analytics-as-a-service companies. These firms build data products on top of disparate solutions such as Tableau, Snowflake and Redshift, and offer insights to decision-makers in diverse verticals, from finance and marketing to energy and transportation.