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Unified Data Clears the Roadblocks of Your Hybrid Cloud Journey

Cloud computing is proliferating businesses across all industries. According to a recent survey by the Harvard Business Review, 81% of respondents said cloud is very or extremely important to their company’s growth strategy. Overall, nearly two-thirds of senior executives stated their businesses have accelerated their plans to migrate to the cloud.

The Pros and Cons of Point-to-Point Integration

Point-to-point integration is a method of connecting two or more software applications or systems together to exchange data seamlessly. It helps organizations break down data silos and enables the sharing of critical information across different systems. P2P integration eliminates the need for complex middleware or custom code, providing a more efficient and streamlined approach to data integration.

Java Threads: Boosting Performance with Concurrency

Welcome to our exploration of Java threads—a fascinating feature that let your computer multitask like a pro! Threads are like mini-workers inside your computer, each handling a different job at the same time. Normally, your computer works on one task at a time. But with threads, it can tackle multiple tasks concurrently, making things faster and more efficient. Threads can speed up your programs and make them work better. But wait, there's a twist! With great power comes great complexity.

Introducing Versioned State Store in Kafka Streams

Since the introduction of stream processing, there have been three certainties in life: death, taxes, and out-of-order data. As a stream processing library built for Apache Kafka, Kafka Streams processes data in offset order. When out-of-order data is present, offset order differs from timestamp order and care must be taken to ensure that processing results respect timestamp order where appropriate.

GraphQL from the Ground Up

Building APIs is a craft. Your API product must be stable, accurate, well documented, performant, and meet the informational demands of your clients — no small task. In this series, we’ll take a close look at GraphQL, a trending API technology that aims to help you deliver efficient and capable APIs. GraphQL’s unique and nuanced view of the client-server relationship offers interesting benefits for API delivery.

Generate Interface Forms in Seconds with Appian AI Copilot

Ever since the release of ChatGPT, which showed the potential of generative artificial intelligence (AI), enterprises have raced to operationalize generative AI within their organizations. In fact, AI represents the primary challenge for nearly every organization today. You will either be good at AI or bad at business. Appian was quick on the AI draw.