Elevating API Quality with Stoplight and SmartBear
SmartBear has entered a definitive agreement to acquire Stoplight, a global API design-first company. Together, we can deliver an unparalleled API platform on a global scale.
SmartBear has entered a definitive agreement to acquire Stoplight, a global API design-first company. Together, we can deliver an unparalleled API platform on a global scale.
Loose coupling in REST APIs is a fundamental principle in software design that advocates for the independence of components within a design, where alterations to one component have minimal impact on the functioning of others. The allure of this approach lies in its promise of flexibility, reusability, and adaptability, especially when incorporating, replacing, or modifying components. Here’s the key things to know about loose coupling in REST APIs: Table of Contents.
SmartBear has entered a definitive agreement to acquire Stoplight, a leader in API design and documentation, along with its collaborative and innovative open source tools, Spectral, Prism, and Elements.
We are living in an era where innovation reigns supreme, so choosing the right tools to bring your applications to life is important. As developers, understanding the thrill of crafting robust and seamless applications behind the scenes is quite necessary. Therefore, the art of backend development requires careful selection of the perfect server-side programming language. From the elegant versatility of Python to the ubiquitous scalability of JavaScript, each language has its own unique strengths.
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AI is a top action item on the priority list of every leading organization. And as the AI frenzy unfolds, some of the promises about what AI could deliver have become less clear, complicated by matters of security, data, and ultimately, business value. Appian 23.3 builds on Appian’s existing AI capabilities and makes it easier than ever to operationalize AI within your enterprise.
Graphic design tools help you create cool visuals that you can use for your blog and get more traffic to your site. You can use these visuals and post them on Instagram, Facebook and other channels. As such, design tools aren’t something that bloggers can live without. Here in this post we will talk about three tools and resources for design that you can use as a blogger.
Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) is an automated technology that permits interaction with a customer (end user/caller) with the support of a DTMF (Dual-Tone multi-frequency) keypad and voice input. IVR mechanism is the perfect way to route customer calls. It helps customers resolve their queries/issues 24/7*365 days with the menu options and. also it will help customers route their calls to the live agents if they are not satisfied with the predefined menu options.