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Mastering Mapped Types in TypeScript

Typescript is an open-source and type-centric programming language that is becoming increasingly popular amongst web developers and software engineers. As an improvement to the existing JavaScript language, Typescript has been designed to make development easier, faster, and more efficient. This functionality allows developers to write less repetitious, shorter, and reusable code. In this article, we will learn about advanced TypeScript types built from existing types to allow for code reuse.

Classifying DNA Sequences into Gene Families on SageMaker

The cost of DNA sequencing continues to decline exponentially. With the average cost of sequencing mammalian DNA hovering around $1,000 in the beginning of 2023, startups like Ultima Genomics and Illumina are working to decrease the cost to between $100-$200. That’s about the same as a new pair of Brooks running shoes! As the sequencing cost drops, the quantity of genetic data to study and analyze explodes, making it even more important to leverage machine learning techniques.

To Data Fabric or not to Data Fabric, is it really a question?

Data fabric is a term used to describe a set of technologies and practices that enable organizations to manage and access data across multiple platforms and environments. This includes supporting an organization’s need to break down data silos, gain more insight into metadata, optimize data sharing across apps and data platforms. Organizations are starting to explore more flexible ways of managing their data ecosystems and ensuring they can leverage data more effectively.

4 Qualities that the Digital Engineering Culture and Transformation Should Consider

By overcoming the established engineering disciplines and tackling each engineering issue, Digital Engineering intends to speed up the development of complex products, systems, and sub-systems. System engineering approaches applied to complex products like jet planes, spacecraft, navigation systems, and others slow down progress for several reasons. Digital Engineering changed that system process into a more fluid, consistent, and workable approach for complex systems.

Pair Grafana Faro and Grafana k6 for frontend observability

Grafana Faro and xk6-browser are both new tools within the Grafana Labs open source ecosystem, but the pairing is already showing a lot of potential in terms of frontend monitoring and performance testing. Faro, which was announced last November, includes a highly configurable SDK that instruments web apps to capture observability signals that can then be correlated with backend and infrastructure data.

Why do we need DataOps Observability?

DevOps was started more than a decade ago as a movement, not a product or solution category. DevOps offered us a way of collaborating between development and operations teams, using automation and optimization practices to continually accelerate the release of code, measure everything, lower costs, and improve the quality of application delivery to meet customer needs.

How to set up logging using Log4j in Selenium?

Log4j is a popular logging framework used for Java-based applications. We can use Log4j in Selenium to provide logging functionality and help in debugging the test scripts. By using Log4j, you can log messages at different levels (e.g. Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal) and output them to various appenders (e.g. Console, File, Database). Integrating Log4j in Selenium can greatly enhance the debugging experience and improve the efficiency of the testing process.