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A beginner's guide to go_router in Flutter

Routing is a crucial aspect of an app. Just like when you manage the application state or build the UI, you should give sufficient attention to optimizing the routing of your application. An optimized routing system helps users navigate your app and can handle the user state efficiently. go_Router is a declarative and minimal routing system built on top of Flutter’s Router API. go_router provides a convenient URL-based API to navigate between different screens.

Cross Browser Compatibility Testing Checklist: The Do's and Dont's

Browser compatibility testing checklist? Website testing checklist? Or website QA testing checklist? Although the names vary, what stays common is that the need and importance of this checklist will define your site’s veritable success. Every year, more and more digital devices are launched, each with its specific combination of browsers, operating systems, and screen resolution. This makes the job of a tester infinitely more complex.

Transformation for Analysis of Unintegrated Data-A Software Tautology

What pray tell is a tautology? A tautology is something that, under all conditions, is true. It is kind of like gravity. You can throw a ball in the air and, for a few seconds, it seems to be suspended. But soon gravity takes hold, and the ball falls back to earth.

The Case for Embedded Analytics: How to Invest and Implement

In the past, most software applications were all about “data processing.” In the parlance of old-school management information systems, that meant an almost exclusive focus on keeping accurate transactional records alongside any master data necessary to complete that mission. Transaction processing is important, of course, but in today’s world, applications are expected to deliver a lot more than that.

How Keboola benefits from using Keboola Connection - There's no party like 3rd party

Oh boy, it’s been more than a year again since my last HKBFUKC article (yep, that’s a new standard abbreviation). This is the fourth article in the series. You can always check out the first, second and third on our blog. Again, loads of stuff has happened since the last time. I made the top 16 at the 4 Seasons MTG Legacy tournament in Bologna, I visited Lego House in Billund and I got married!

What is a service mesh?

A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer that manages traffic, also known as communication, between services in applications composed of containerized microservices. It is a critical component in a microservices architecture, responsible for the secure, fast, and reliable communication between services. This article answers a lot of the questions you may have about service meshes: What are they and how do they work? Who is using them and why?

Four ways to optimize your QA budget in 2023

Releasing software without extensive quality assurance testing is asking for trouble. Poorly-designed software, bugs, or miserable UX dooms even the best projects – and with today’s hyper-intensive and rapid development cycles, things are sure to slip through the cracks. You can’t skimp on software testing, but planning your 2023 QA budget may feel tighter than normal amidst fears of a recession, inflation, and the global economy.