We are excited to announce the release of Tricentis Test Management (TTM) for Jira in the Atlassian Marketplace, designed specifically for organizations who want to place test management directly within Jira. With TTM for Jira, QA, development, and the business can collaborate closely to deliver quality software together.
Salesforce is the solution of choice for thousands of organizations that require innovative digital, SaaS-based solutions that serve the front, middle, and back offices – while simultaneously enhancing the customer experience. Clicks-not-code functionality has given Salesforce customers the ability to create and maintain a highly customized platform that brings business transparency to the forefront.
Generators are a powerful feature you can use to automate routine tasks in Rails—but do you know how to make your own? This article explores Rails generators in depth, including how to build a generator from scratch.
One major reason for digging into API and product analytics is to be able to easily identify trends in the data. Of course, trends can be very tough to see when looking at something like raw API call logs but can be much easier when looking at a chart aimed at easily allowing you to visualize trends. Enter the Time Series chart.
Conceptually, a paradigm is a system of concepts and practices that reflect the current state of our understanding of the field. In general, a programming paradigm refers to a style, way, or classification of programming. Programming languages are used in order to solve problems. A paradigm's difficulty varies according to the language. Paradigms can be used in several programming languages, but a strategy or methodology must be followed.
Plenty of development life cycles are involved in a software project, so selecting the correct one becomes difficult. Software Development Models should be selected wisely by looking at the budget, team size, project criticality, and criticality of the product. Choosing the suitable model will improve the efficiency of your IT projects and manage risks associated with the software development lifecycle.
We’ve all heard about the significant WhatsApp breakdowns that have happened in the recent past, during which the app was unavailable for the public for an hour. However, from a technical standpoint, WhatsApp returned in less than an hour. What would have enabled the engineers at WhatsApp to quickly restore the services? Technically speaking, the team experienced an extremely stressful production failure because of this.
The difference between consuming data and actioning it often comes down to one thing: effective data visualization. Case in point? The John Snow’s famous cholera map. In 1854, John Snow (no, not that one) mapped cholera cases during an outbreak in London. Snow’s simple map uncovered a brand new pattern in the data—the cases all clustered around a shared water pump.