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Kubernetes Load Testing Comparison: Speedscale vs K6

In this article, you’ll be introduced to two different load testing tools that are both able to work with Kubernetes; Speedscale and K6. Throughout this post you’ll be given a comparative view of how each tool performs in five different categories: Ease of setup, developer experience, working with the CLI, creating tests, and integration into CI/CD pipelines.

An Overview of HIPAA Compliance Testing in Software Applications

Are you using any software that is related to an individual’s information? Anything that deals with patient data? Any applications or tools that deal with the data of a person or a group of people? If your answer is yes, then this question is for you. How compliant is your company’s software with HIPAA while dealing with all those details?

Top 9 React Boilerplates to Know in 2022

React has gained popularity recently and is now among the most cherished frontend frameworks ever. React has consistently placed in the top two positions in the State of JS survey for the past five years, which serves as evidence. Additionally, this indicates that more developers than ever are creating projects in React. The React library benefits from the use of boilerplates, which are lines of code that are neutral by design and serve as a natural starting point when developing with any technology.

Capture Heap Snapshots in N|Solid [7/10] The best APM for Node, layer by layer.

One of the first needs of developers is debugging memory-based issues in Node.js applications quickly and effectively. Still, before we jump right into the Heap Snapshot concept, it's essential to understand what a memory leak is. A basic definition that I would apply in this context is: Memory leaks are quite common in production applications. Fortunately, they usually aren't difficult to find.

How To Access APIs and Beat Your Competition

An Application Programming Interface (API) is the new go-to for businesses looking to connect with customers, partners, and other stakeholders via digital channels. From e-commerce sites to mobile apps, APIs are used to collect and process data and enable interoperability between web applications. As such, learning how to access APIs has become the primary gateway to data-driven products and the main revenue stream for most businesses.
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Apple's recent announcements - the impact for developers and testers

At its Worldwide Developer Conference in late May, Apple shared a sneak preview of what to expect in the autumn, including news around iOS 16. This gives app developers and testers a bit of time to get their heads around the implications, including new test requirements. Here are some of the highlights from the conference.